Scene 123 中級
Scene 107 中級
嫁姑なんて日本だけの問題…そんなことありません。国籍・時代を問わず「義理」の関係には笑いあり涙あり… ところでMIL、DILって知ってますか。21世紀,嫁姑問題を語るには不可欠な単語です。詳しくは会話で。
Scene 90 中級
Scene 74 中級
Sharon and her friend Maria are talking.
Scene 58 中級
Maria and her friend Sharon are talking.
Scene 42 中級
Maria is complaining about her mother to Sharon, her friend.
Scene 26 中級
Maria is at a florist, looking for some flowers for her parents' wedding anniversary.
Scene 13-7 中級 Bella Donna
The next day, Malcolm meets Cassie for lunch, bearing a sample pack of cosmetics as promised, and explains to her what she has to do as a tester.
Scene 9-11 中級 Here, There and Everywhere
Ellie and Gordon are back on the bus returning to Phoenix from the Grand Canyon. Gordon is a little miffed about Rick’s proposition to Ellie.
Scene 7-6 中級 Time for a Change
Three weeks have passed and Miranda has moved to Middleton. She has just finished unpacking and Jon has cooked dinner.