Scene 7-6 Time for a Change
Three weeks have passed and Miranda has moved to Middleton. She has just finished unpacking and Jon has cooked dinner.
Miranda: Mmm! That smells divine!
Jon: Its enchiladas. You said you liked Mexican so I made you my
Miranda: I can’t wait!
Jon: Are you all sorted out? Do you need me to give you a hand with
Miranda: No, I’ve managed to get everything unpacked thanks. Can I help
you with anything?
Jon: You can tear that lettuce for the salad if you like.
Miranda: Sure.
Jon: So, are you looking forward to your first day tomorrow?
Miranda: Kind of. It’s exciting to be working on such a big project, but
a bit scary to be taking on so much responsibility. I have to
liaise with the builders and interior designers and do all sorts
of stuff that I’ve never had to do before. I just hope I don’t
make a mess of everything.
Jon: You’ll be fine. What time do you start?
Miranda: Nine thirty. Dean and a couple of others are coming down from
head office for a meeting and then we’re going to spend the rest
of the day on the shop premises with the interior designers trying
to figure out how to decorate the place.
Jon: Sounds like you’re going to have a busy day. They didn’t give
you much of a break between jobs, did they? I mean, it’s a bit
unreasonable of them to make you work at your old job right up
until the day you move and then expect you to start your new job
the day after.
Miranda: Yeah. It couldn’t really be helped though. The girl who is
replacing me at the old salon came down with food poisoning and
was out of action for a week, so I wasn’t able to start training
her until last week. We didn’t have time to go through
everything so I’m a bit worried about her.
Jon: I’m sure she’ll be fine. But they could’ve given you an extra
day off to give you time to settle down.
Miranda: That would’ve been nice, but the new salon is on a pretty tight
schedule too. I’ve got my hands full getting the premises sorted
out but I also have to think about advertising for staff and
organising interviews. Much as I would like to, I really don’t
have any time to rest.
Jon: Well, I hope the next few weeks go more smoothly for you.
And if there’s anything I can help you with, just yell.
Miranda: Thanks, I will.
To be continued
Are you all sorted out? Do you need me to give you a hand with anything?
“sort out”はここでは「整理する、分類する、選り分ける」という意味。
Ex: I have to sort out my books.
No, I've managed to get everything unpacked thanks.
“manage to 〜”は「なんとか〜する、まんまと〜する」という意味。
Ex: I managed to catch the bus.
then we're going to spend the rest of the day on the shop premises with the interior designers trying to figure out how to decorate the place.
“figure out”はここでは「考え出す、考え付く」という意味。他には、
Ex: I'll have to figure out a way to attend both meetings.
The girl who is replacing me at the old salon came down with food poisoning and was out of action for a week,
“come down with”は「(病気に)かかる、(病気で)倒れる」という
Ex: I came down with the flu last week.
We didn't have time to go through everything
“go through”はここでは「説明する」という意味。他にも様々な意味
Ex: I went through the procedure with the new staff.
the new salon is on a pretty tight schedule too.
“tight schedule”は「(非常に忙しい、ぎっしり詰まった、過密)
スケジュール」という意味。“hard schedule”と同じ意味。
Ex: My schedule is tight.
I've got my hands full getting the premises sorted out
“got one's hands full”は「忙しくて手が離せない、手が一
杯である」という意味。“have one's hands full”とも言える。
あるが、例えば、“give a hand to 〜”「〜に手を貸す、〜の手助け
をする」、“hand in hand”「手に手をとって、協力して」、“out
of hand”「すぐに、即座に」、“wash one's hands of 〜”「〜から
Ex: I've got my hands full taking care of the baby.
M: む〜ん!すっごくいい匂い。
J: エンチラーダだよ。君がメキシコ料理が好きだっていったから、僕の
M: 待ちきれない!!
J: 全部整理したの?何か手伝うことはあるかい?
M: いいえ、なんとか全部荷解きしたわ、ありがとう。
J: よかったら、サラダ用のレタスをちぎってくれるかな。
M: いいわよ。
J: それで、明日の初日は待ち遠しいかい?
M: まあね。こんな大きなプロジェクトで働くのは、本当にワクワクする
ことをやらなくちゃいけないわ。 ただ全てを台無しにしないように祈る
J: 大丈夫だよ。何時に始まるの?
M: 9時半よ。ディーンと他に2、3人が、ミーティングのために本部から
J: 忙しい一日になりそうだね。君の会社は、仕事との間にあんまり時間を
くれなかったね? だって、君が引っ越す当日ギリギリまで、前の職場で
M: そうよね。本当に仕方なかったのよ。私の前のサロンの後任者の
J: 絶対彼女は大丈夫だよ。だけど、君の会社は、君に落ち着く時間を与える
M: あったらよかったけど、新しいサロンもかなりきついスケジュールなの。
J: この先何週間が、君にとってもっと円滑にいくことを祈るよ。それで、
M: ありがとう、そうするわ。