Lesson 163 中級
Elena is telling Rick about a movie she saw on TV.
Lesson 162 中級
Helen is telling her husband Dave about their friends Jenny and Martin's new house.
Lesson 161 中級
Friends Simon and Alexandra are talking.
Lesson 160 中級
April is concerned at her workmate Nick's sickly appearance.
Lesson 159 初級
Workmates Jenny and Brad are doing overtime at the office and talking about their workmate Celia.
Lesson 158 中級
Richard and Sophie are trying to decipher a postcard they received in the mail.
Lesson 157 初級
Elle is sitting at her computer writing a report when her boyfriend Jeremy comes in.
Lesson 156 中級
Sam discovers her co-worker, Cliff, limping his way into work. Concerned about what the problem is, she goes to see it he is okay.
Lesson 155 中級
Two old high school friends bump into each other after a few years, and talk about old times.
Lesson 154 初級
George is the owner of a diner in a small town. Thelma is on her way to Toronto and stops in at George's place for some breakfast.