Scene 170 中級
Scene 137 中級
Scene 121 中級
フォーマルな場ではOh my God!と言わない方がいいのですが、カジュアルな、女性だけの集まりではOh my God!は特別な威力を発揮します。Oh my God!女性特有の使い方、伝授します。
Scene 105 中級
Scene 88 中級
gone nutsは「気がおかしくなってしまった」、drive someone nutsは「誰かをひどくイライラさせる」。ではhealth nutは?
Scene 72 中級
Maria and her friend Sharon are talking. Last week, Sharon dated a guy she met at a party.
Scene 56 中級
Sharon, who is single, is talking with her friend Julia, who is married and has a child.
Scene 40 中級
Sharon and her friend Maria have just finished their lunch. Maria takes some pills out of her bag.
Scene 24 中級
Sharon and her friend Maria are visiting Julia, their friend, at hospital. Julia has just given birth to a baby girl.
Scene 13-5 中級 Bella Donna
A couple of days have passed since the incident with William Pike. Malcolm stops by the reception desk to check up on Cassie.