Lesson 693 中級
パーティーやおよばれの席などで「そろそろ失礼します」ってどう言いますか?I have to go.やI'm leaving.でもいいのですが、ちょっとそっけないですよね…大人ならではの言い方、伝授します。
Lesson 653 中級
Ken and his colleague Claire are talking at the office.
Lesson 636 中級
Claire is calling her husband Dave on his cellphone.
Lesson 618 中級
Claire and her husband Dave are lounging at home.
Lesson 602 中級
Claire approaches her colleague Ken only when he's about to leave the office.
Lesson 586 中級
Claire is on her way to her business meeting. She's running late.
Lesson 570 中級
Ken and Claire, his colleague, are on their way back from lunch to the office.
Lesson 553 中級
Ken and his colleague Sam are at the office.
Lesson 536 中級
Lara is telling her brother Jake about a family barbecue that he missed the previous weekend.
Lesson 520 中級
Lola has just come back from a terrible business trip. She is telling her husband Noah about what happened.