Lesson 120 初級
Carol and Joe are stuck in traffic. They are talking about the problem of traffic jams caused by car accidents.
Lesson 103 初級
Isabel bumps into her friend Terry on the way home from university.
Lesson 87 初級
Mandy and Alex talking about the watch that he wearing.
Lesson 71 初級
Hiroshi and Rober are introducing each other.
Lesson 55 初級
Luise's best friend is coming to Japan.
Lesson 39 初級
Dona is explaining to her daughter Donna how the running starts.
Lesson 23 初級
Yukio is asking Bob to go fishing with him.
Lesson 7 初級
Christine is complaining to Ruth about her house guest.
Lesson 755 初級
日々お世話になっている「ティッシュ(ペーパー)」。英語でもtissueというのですが…。a tissueって言うのは正しい?tissueにまつわるお話です。
Lesson 630 初級
Claire and her colleague Ken are talking at the office.