Lesson 120
Carol and Joe are stuck in traffic. They are talking about the problem of traffic jams caused by car accidents.
Carol and Joe are stuck in traffic. They are talking about the problem of traffic jams caused by car accidents.
Carol: We’ve been stuck in traffic for two hours. What do you think
the problem is?
Joe: I can’t see very well, but my guess is that it’s an accident. I didn’t hear anything lately about the city doing construction on this part of the highway.
Carol: You’re probably right. Every time there’s a traffic accident, everything grinds to a halt. The worst part is that the road isn’t blocked, people just want to get a better look.
Joe: Seriously. As if the accident will look any different at 100km/h than it does at 5km/h.
Carol: That’s a good point. Well, I hope no one was hurt.
Joe: Yeah. Well, what do you say we slow down to check as we go by? You know, just to make sure.
Carol: Right. Good idea. We may have to call an ambulance.
We've been stuck in traffic for two hours.
"stick"は「〜に突き刺す」で、そのイメージから「動けなくする」という意味にもなります。"(be) stuck in traffic"で「渋滞で身動きが取れなくなる」ということ。"stick to 〜"だと「〜に固執する」。
ex: Tell the boss I'll be late for the meeting. I'm stuck in traffic on the expressway.
Every time there's a traffic accident, everything grinds to a halt
"grind to a halt"で「完全に止まる、麻痺する」ということ。
ex: We were such good friends. Everything was going so well but then it ground to a halt. I don't know what happened.
As if the accident will look any different at 100km/h than it does at 5km/h.
"as if"は「まるで〜のように、〜と言わぬばかりに」ということ。"km/h" は "per hour(1時間で)"と発音します。
ex: Act as if you're full of confidence.
what do you say we slow down to check as we go by?
"what do you say 〜"は、「〜についてあなたは何て言う?」という疑問文ですが、転じてこのダイアログのように「〜しない?」と誘い文になります。
ex: What do you say we see a movie this weekend?
Words & Phrases
Carol: 渋滞でもう2時間も動いてないよ。何でだと思う?
Joe: よく分かんないけど、きっと事故じゃないかと思うよ。市がこのハイウェイを工事をするなんて話、さいきん聞かないもん。
Carol: たぶんそうね。交通事故があるたびに、ぜんぶ止まっちゃうのよね。さいあくなのは、通行止めになるんじゃなくて、ただみんな事故現場をしっかり見たいだけなのよ。
Joe: ホントそう。まるで、時速100キロと時速5キロじゃ見え具合が違うかのように。
Carol: その通りだわ。まあ、誰も怪我してないといいんだけど。
Joe: うん。あのさ、事故現場を通り過ぎるとき、ちょっとゆっくり走ってみようよ。ね、大丈夫かどうか確かめるためにさ。
Carol: うん。いいわね。救急車を呼ばなくちゃならないかもしれないしね。