Lesson 23 初級
Yukio is asking Bob to go fishing with him.
Lesson 22 初級
Tim was just promoted to sales manager.
Lesson 21 初級
Rick is talking to his friend, Yukio about the news he heard through the grapevine.
Lesson 20 初級
Lee and Yukio is eating some unusual food.
Lesson 19 初級
George is asking Yukio to his birthday party.
Lesson 18 初級
Yukio is surprised to see how George changed after a long time.
Lesson 17 初級
Yukio and Robert are talking about a woman standing near the window.
Lesson 16 初級
Yukio and Linda are looking for jobs
Lesson 15 初級
Megan is asking a stranger to tell her the way to the bank.
Lesson 14 初級
Megan is asking her mother to let her backpack around Europe.