Lesson 244 中級
Antonio is talking to his sister Gabriella about a cafe near their old childhood home.
Lesson 222 中級
Janine is filling out an application form but she gets stuck on one question. She asks her brother Malcolm for help.
Lesson 202 中級
Sandy is talking to her friend Tom, who is in the process of looking for a job.
Lesson 173 中級
Liam and Nancy are talking about "The Matrix."
Lesson 152 中級
Ben and Nancy, two friends, have just gone to see the new Steven Spielberg movie, Minority Report. They are talking about what they thought of the movie.
Lesson 132 中級
Nancy is talking to her room mate Tom about his ex-girlfriend Leah.
Lesson 791 中級
Lesson 766 中級
何度も繰り返し使うことを「ヘビロテ」と言いますが、果たしてこれ、heavy rotationの略なんでしょうか。そもそも、heavy rotationって英語として正しいのでしょうか。
Lesson 739 中級
Lesson 713 中級
相手の話を聞きながら相づちを打たなくてはならない時…yeah, uh-huh, hmm-hmmだけじゃ物足りない、でもRight! Exactly! というほどの話でもない…という時、どうしてますか?「そのようですね、そうみたいだね」という中立的な表現を覚えておくと便利です。