Lesson 173
Liam and Nancy are talking about "The Matrix."
Liam and Nancy are talking about "The Matrix."
Liam: “The Matrix” came out over the weekend. Do you want to go and catch it sometime this week?
Nancy: I’ve seen it already!
Liam: Already!? When? You were quick off the mark.
Nancy: On the first day. We had to queue for about an hour to get tickets though. The theatre was packed!
Liam: I bet! Did it live up to the hype?
Nancy: That and more. It was awesome! The special effects were out of this world!
Liam: I’m dying to see it. Maybe I’ll go this weekend and check it out.
Nancy: Well, give me a yell if you do. I wouldn’t mind seeing it again!
You were quick off the mark.
"off the mark"で「スタートをきって」という意味があり、"quick off the mark"となって、「すぐに行動をとる」、「出足がはやい」といった意味になります。
ex: You'll have to be quick off the mark with that job application. I bet loads of people are interested.
We had to queue for about an hour to get tickets though.
"get in line"、"stand in line"でもほぼ同じ意味になります。
ex: We queued for 40 minutes and found out we were in the wrong queue.
Did it live up to the hype?
"live up to"は、「期待にこたえる(live up to expectations)」、「約束を果たす(live up to promise)」などの形でよく使われます。
ex: He lived up to the promise that he made 10 years ago.
The special effects were out of this world!
"out of this world"は、「この世界を超えて」から転じて、「この世の物とも思えないくらい、とても素晴らしい、天下一品」という意味になります。
ex: We had the best time at the show. The meal was out of this world, the show was extremely funny.
give me a yell if you do.
"yell" は名詞で「大声を上げること」。"give someone a yell"で「(助けを求めて)〜を呼ぶ」といった意味になります。ここでは、「連絡をちょうだい」くらいの意味合いです。似たような表現の、"give someone a call", give someone a ring""(〜に電話をする)も覚えておきましょう。
ex: If I get into trouble, I'll give you a yell.
Words & Phrases
Liam: 「マトリックス」が週末に公開されたね。今週中にでも観にいかない?
Nancy: もう観たよ!
Liam: もう? いつ観たの? ホントはやいね。
Nancy: 初日よ。チケットを買うのに一時間くらい並んだけどね。映画館は満員だったわ!
Liam: だろうね! 大々的に宣伝されてたほど楽しかった?
Nancy: 宣伝以上だった。 サイコーだったよ! 特殊効果は圧巻だったわ。
Liam: ゼッタイ観たいな。今週末に観にいってこようかな。
Nancy: じゃあ、もしいくなら連絡ちょうだい。また観たいもん!