Lesson 573 中級
Claire is at the office, speaking to Ken, her colleague.
Lesson 572 中級
Dave is driving. Claire, his wife, is in the car, sitting next to him.
Lesson 571 中級
Claire and Dave, her husband, are at a supermarket, waiting in the checkout line.
Lesson 570 中級
Ken and Claire, his colleague, are on their way back from lunch to the office.
Lesson 569 中級
Ken goes up to his colleague Claire and asks for help.
Lesson 568 中級
Dave and Claire, his wife, are lounging in front of TV at home.
Lesson 567 中級
Ken and his colleague Claire are at a coffee shop, enjoying their break from work.
Lesson 566 中級
Ken and his colleague Claire are in a taxi, on their way to their business meeting.
Lesson 565 中級
Dave is with his boss, Michael, who is ready to speak with him about their new project.
Lesson 564 初級
Claire is at a store, looking for a present for her husband's birthday.