Lesson 593 中級
Claire and her colleague Ken are talking in the office.
Lesson 592 中級
Ken and his colleague Claire are working.
Lesson 591 中級
Dave is at home. He asks his wife Claire for some help.
Lesson 590 中級
Ken and his colleague Claire are speaking at the office. They're preparing for their presentation.
Lesson 589 中級
It's Sunday afternoon. Dave and his wife Claire are at an aquarium. They come across someone Dave knows.
Lesson 588 中級
Claire and her husband Dave are lounging at home.
Lesson 587 中級
Ken is talking to his colleague, Claire.
Lesson 586 中級
Claire is on her way to her business meeting. She's running late.
Lesson 585 中級
Dave is talking to his wife Claire, about his upcoming business trip.
Lesson 584 中級
It's late Monday morning and Claire is at home, working. Her husband Dave is about to go to work. The phone rings.