Lesson 736 中級
2009年11月に、鳩山(元)首相がオバマ米大統領に普天間移設問題にふれて、Trust me.と言ったことが内外で尾を引きましたが、そもそもTrust me.ってどんな時に使うのでしょう?
Lesson 707 中級
Lesson 691 中級
Lesson 651 中級
Claire and her colleague Ken are talking. They're having lunch.
Lesson 634 中級
Dave and his wife Claire are lounging at home.
Lesson 616 中級
It's Friday evening. Claire and her husband Dave are talking. He has just got home.
Lesson 600 中級
Ken is talking to his coworker Claire about his holiday plan.
Lesson 584 中級
It's late Monday morning and Claire is at home, working. Her husband Dave is about to go to work. The phone rings.
Lesson 568 中級
Dave and Claire, his wife, are lounging in front of TV at home.
Lesson 551 中級
Sam and her colleague Ken are at the office. Sam has been spending a whole day calculating her travel expenses.