Lesson 210
Hannah is surprised to see her friend Jimmy wearing a cast on his leg.
Hannah is surprised to see her friend Jimmy wearing a cast on his leg.
Hannah: Jimmy, what on earth did you do to yourself?
Jimmy: I broke my leg.
Hannah: Yes, I can see that, but how?
Jimmy: I did it when I went snowboarding last week with some of the guys from work. A girl fell in front of me and I couldn’t swerve out of the way in time.
Hannah: That’s dangerous! You’re lucky you weren’t more badly injured.
Jimmy: Yeah, I guess. But breaking a leg isn’t exactly fun either. It takes me half an hour to get up the stairs to my apartment every night.
Hannah: That’s right, you live on the fourth floor don’t you?
Jimmy: Yeah, and there’s no lift in our building. It’s a nightmare!
Hannah: When does the cast come off?
Jimmy: It’ll be a while yet. The doctor says I have to have it on for at least two months.
Hannah: Two months?! You poor thing!
what on earth did you do to yourself?
疑問文を強調する目的で"on earth"が使われます。この例のように、5W1H(what, where, who, why, when, how)の疑問詞が文頭にきて、その直後に"on earth"を入れます。
ex: Who on earth is Shoko Naito?!
I couldn't swerve out of the way in time.
ex: Somebody stepped into the road and I swerved to avoid them.
It's a nightmare!
When does the cast come off?
"come off"はさまざまな意味をもつイディオムですが、ここでは「〜からはずれる、取り外す」という意味になります。
cf: The band wanted to produce a CD, but it didn't come off.
Words & Phrases
Hannah: ジミー、あなたいったいどうしたのよ?
Jimmy: 脚を骨折したんだ。
Hannah: うん、それはわかるけど、なにがあったの?
Jimmy: 先週、職場の連中とスノーボードに行ったときにやっちゃったんだ。女の子がぼくの前で転んで、うまく避けられなかったんだよ。
Hannah: あぶないじゃない! それくらいで済んでラッキーよ。
Jimmy: うん、だよな。でも脚を骨折するなんて楽しくもないぞ。毎晩、30分もかけて自宅のマンションの階段を上ってるんだ。
Hannah: そうよね、あなた4階に住んでるのよね?
Jimmy: うん、それにエレベーターもないしね。ほんとイライラするよ!
Hannah: ギブスはいつとれるの?
Jimmy: まだしばらくかかるよ。医者が言うには最低2ヶ月はつけてないとダメだって。
Hannah: 2ヶ月? かわいそう!