つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 218 中級

A Close Call

Keith arrives at work looking shaky. His workmate Jodie asks what's wrong.



Keith arrives at work looking shaky. His workmate Jodie asks what's wrong.

Jodie: Keith, you’re late. Oh my gosh, what happened to you? You’re as white as a ghost.

Keith: I had a close call on the way in this morning. The roads are totally iced over, and I was just turning into the main street over there when an oncoming car lost control and spun right into my path.

Jodie: No way! Are you OK? Come and sit down. Did you hit him?

Keith: Luckily, no. I wasn’t travelling all that fast because of the state of the roads, but because it was so icy, when I slammed on the brakes, my car went into this huge skid, and somehow we both managed to spin enough that we missed each other by about 10 centimeters.

Jodie: That’s unbelievable! You’re lucky you managed to escape injury.

Keith: Tell me about it. I’m thanking my lucky stars!



You're as white as a ghost.

"as white as a ghost"は、「幽霊のように青い顔をしている」という意味です。同じ言い方として"You look like you've seen a ghost," "You look as white as a sheet,"などがあります。

I had a close call on the way in this morning.

"close call"は「危機一髪」。日本語と同じで、危なかったけど大丈夫だった、というニュアンスです。
ex: Catching my connecting flight was a close call, because the departure gate was on the opposite end of the arrival gate.

my car went into this huge skid

"go into a skid"で「横滑りする、スリップする」。
ex: The most important thing to remember when you go into a skid is not to panic.

Tell me about it.

ex) "That was a really hard test!"
"Tell me about it!"

Words & Phrases



slam on the brakes:




Jodie: ケイス遅いじゃない。ヤダどうしたの? 顔が真っ青よ。

Keith: 今朝会社に来る途中で危険な目に遭ったんだよ。道路が完全に凍ってて、そこの大通りに出ようとしたところで近づいてきた車がコントロールをうしなって、オレの車にスピンしてきたんだ。

Jodie: ホント! 大丈夫? こっちにきて座りなさいよ。相手の車と衝突したの?

Keith: 運良く大丈夫だった。それほど速く走ってなかったんだよ、道路の状態が悪かったからね。でもすごい凍ってたから急ブレーキをかけたら大きく横滑りしちゃったんだ。なんとかお互いスピンして10センチくらいの差で衝突しないですんだよ。

Jodie: 奇跡ね! 怪我をしないでラッキーだったじゃない。

Keith: ホントだよ。幸運の星に感謝してるよ!