Lesson 319
Jill is moaning to her brother Finn about her husband Rick.
Jill is moaning to her brother Finn about her husband Rick.
F: How’s Rick doing? I haven’t seen him for ages.
J: Don’t talk to me about Rick! He’s totally been getting on
my nerves recently!
F: Has his job situation improved at all? Last time I spoke
with him, things were pretty tense at the office.
J: You’ll never believe it but he handed in his resignation
last week. As of the end of this month, he’s unemployed.
I can’t believe he’d do that at a time like this! I mean,
we’ve only just finished building our house and we’ve just
started making thirty years of mortgage payments. How does
he think we’re going to make ends meet?!
F: Don’t be too hard on the guy, Jill. I mean, things were
pretty bad where he was working, right? He was driving two
hours each way to get to the office every day, then once he
got there, he had to put up with insults from his boss and
office politics all day long. I can understand why he
wanted to chuck it in.
J: I know. He does seem relieved to finally get away from it
all. But that doesn’t help our financial situation any.
What if he can’t find another job?
F: Don’t worry about it Jill. Rick will land on his feet in
no time, you’ll see. These things have a way of working
themselves out.
He's totally been getting on my nerves recently!
"nerve"は「神経」とい意味で、"get on one's nerves"で、「神経に触る、イライラさせる」となります。インフォーマルな表現。
ex: There were times when I got on her nerves and she got on mine.
You'll never believe it but he handed in his resignation last week.
受験英語でよく出てくる"hand in"。「提出する」という意味です。
"submit my resignation"、"give in my resignation"、"send in my resignation"と言い換えることもできます。
ex: If you are very ambitious you can hand in your homework five
How does he think we're going to make ends meet?!
"make ends meet" はイディオムで「収入と支出を合わせる、家計のやりくりをする」という意味になります。ちなみに、ここでの"end"は「末端」という意味。
ex: Low-interest loans are available to help you make ends meet.
I can understand why he wanted to chuck it in.
ここでの"chuck in"は、「〜を辞める」という意味。"chuck"だけでも同じ意味になります。
ex: Why do you always chuck your hobbies in so quickly?
What if he can't find another job?
「もし次の仕事が見つからなかったらどうするつもりかしら」"what if 〜"で「もし〜だったらどうする?」。"What if"のあとは、主語・動詞という順番となります。
ex: What if you fail to get into any of the schools you apply to?
Words & Phrases
F: リックはどうしてる? しばらく会ってないけど。
J: リックの話をあたしにしないで! 最近ずっと彼にはイライラさせられて
F: 仕事の具合はよくなったのかな? 前に話したときは、職場がすごくピリ
J: 信じられないかもしれないけど、先週辞表を提出したのよ。今月末に無職
わ! ようやく家が建って、30年間の住宅ローンが始まったばかりなの
F: そんなに彼を責めるなよ、ジル。ほら、職場の環境が最悪だったんだろ?
J: そうね。彼もそういうことからやっと逃れることができてホッとしてる
F: 心配するなよ、ジル。リックはきっとすぐ見つけるよ。こういうのはな