Lesson 445
Stan and his girlfriend Katie have just been to see a movie.
Stan and his girlfriend Katie have just been to see a movie.
S: Stan
K: Katie
S: Wow, that was a great movie!
K: I reckon! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
I’m not usually into action movies but I really enjoyed that one.
S: I can’t wait until it comes out on DVD.
K: Actually, I wouldn’t mind paying to see it again at the cinema.
S: Really? Well, do you want to go again next week?
K: Sure, that sounds great!
S: So, what do you want to do now?
K: Well, why don’t we go to Dino’s and grab a bite to eat?
S: Sounds like an idea. I could really go for one of his chilli
cheese dogs right now.
K: Yum, that sounds good!
S: And seeing it’s still quite early, maybe we could squeeze in a
couple of games of pool afterwards.
K: Sure, that sounds great. Come on, let’s go. I’m starved!
I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
"be on the edge of one's seat/chair"は「(人が)わくわくする、
意味。そのイメージから意味が想像できる。"on the edge of 〜"は
Ex: Jorge's talk on UFOs had me on the edge of my seat.
Well, why don't we go to Dino's and grab a bite to eat?
"grab a bite"は「さっと食事を済ませる、軽い食事をする」という
Ex: Let's grab a bite before we leave.
I could really go for one of his chilli cheese dogs right now.
"go for 〜"は様々な意味で使われるが、ここでは「食べられる」
Ex: "Why don't we go for a drink? It's Friday night."
"Sounds good!"
maybe we could squeeze in a couple of games of pool afterwards.
"squeeze in 〜"は「(スケジュールに)〜をなんとか入れる、割り
込ませる」という意味。 "squeeze"は「絞る、締め付ける、強く握る、
Ex: We could squeeze a winery tour in our travel schedule.
S: うわ〜、凄い映画だったね!
K: 本当に!私、ずっと興奮してたわ!普通はそんなにアクション映画に
S: DVDが発売されるのが待ち遠しいな。
K: 実は、私はまた映画館で見るために、お金を払ってもいいわ。
S: 本当に?来週また行きたいかい?
K: もちろんよ、それは良いわ!
S: じゃあ、今は何をしたい?
K: そうね、ディーノーズへ行って、軽く食べない?
S: 良い考えだね。 今すぐ本当に、彼のチリチーズドッグをいけるね。
K: 美味しそう、良いわね!
S: それに、まだかなり早いみたいだ。その後、ビリヤードのゲームを
K: そうね、良いわね。ほらっ、行きましょう。お腹がぺこぺこよ!