Lesson 452
Sharon is talking on the phone with a friend. Her husband Michael walks into the room just as she's finishing her conversation.
Sharon is talking on the phone with a friend. Her husband Michael walks into the room just as she's finishing her conversation.
S: Sharon
M: Michael
M: Who was that?
S: That was Jackie.
M: Oh yeah. And how’s Jackie doing?
S: No so good, to be honest. She and Steve broke up today.
M: Really. That’s kind of surprising. What happened?
S: Well, you know how Steve always works late, right?
M: Yeah. He’s an investment banker, isn’t he? Those guys usually work
crazy hours.
S: Well, it seems that Steve was doing more than just working late.
He was getting some extra help from his secretary if you know what
I mean.
M: No way. I never really figured Steve for the cheating sort. He
and Jackie always seemed so happy together.
S: Not any more.
M: So, how did she find out? Did Steve confess?
S: I’m not sure. I don’t think so. She was pretty upset on the phone,
so I didn’t get all the details. I’m going to go over to her place
and make sure she’s alright.
M: Do you want me to go with you?
S: No. I think it’d be best if I went by myself. I won’t be too long.
M: Alright. Tell Jackie I’m sorry to hear about all this.
S: Will do.
No so good, to be honest.
"to be honest"は「正直にいうと、はっきり言えば、正直なところ、
率直にいうと」という意味。"to be honest with you"ともいう。
"speaking truthfully", "to be frank with you", "candidly
Ex: To be honest, this pasta doesn't taste that great.
I never really figured Steve for the cheating sort.
"figure on"「予想する」というフレーズがよく使われている。
Ex: I didn't figure on him quitting his job.
She was pretty upset on the phone, so I didn't get all the details.
"My stomach is upset."「胃の調子がおかしい」という意味になる。
Ex: Don't be so upset.
M: 誰だったの?
S: ジャッキーよ。
M: そうか。それで、ジャッキーは元気?
S: あんまり元気じゃないの、正直に言うと。彼女とスティーブが、
M: 本当に。ちょっと驚きだな。何があったの?
S: うん、スティーブがいつも遅くまで働くのは知ってるでしょ?
M: ああ。投資銀行家だろ?あの人たちは、勤務時間がめちゃくちゃだよ。
S: それが、スティーブはただ残業してるだけじゃなくて、それ以上のことを
M: うそだろ。スティーブが浮気するやつだとは、全然思わなかったよ。彼と
S: もうそうじゃないの。
M: それで、彼女はどうやって知ったのさ?スティーブが告白したのかい?
S: よく分からないの。そうじゃないと思うわ。彼女、電話ですごく取り
M: 一緒に行こうか?
S: いいえ。私一人で行くのが一番良いと思うわ。そんなに時間はかからない
M: 分かった。ジャッキーに、このことが残念だったねって、伝えてよ。
S: 伝えるわ。