Lesson 453
Dale goes into a store to get some contact lenses. It has been a while since he bought his last set.
Dale goes into a store to get some contact lenses. It has been a while since he bought his last set.
R: Receptionist
D: Dale
D: Hi. I’d like to get some contact lenses, please.
R: Sure. Have you been here before?
D: Actually this is my first time. I moved to the area recently and
the place I used to go to is a bit out of the way now.
R: Well, in that case, we’ll need you to take an eye exam before we
can issue your new contacts.
D: I kind of figured that. Is it going to be a long wait?
R: Actually, you’ve come at a good time. There are only three or four
people ahead of you. It shouldn’t be more than 30 minutes.
D: Great.
R: If you could just have a seat over there and fill out this form,
I’ll let you know when the doctor’s ready to see you.
the place I used to go to is a bit out of the way now.
"used to 〜"は「昔は〜していた、よく〜したものだ、以前は〜した
Ex: I used to smoke.
There are only three or four people ahead of you.
"ahead of 〜"は「〜より前(先)に、〜より早く、〜に先んじて、
〜より進歩して」という意味。"before"、"in front of"という
Ex: I arrived at exam site ahead of everyone else.
I'll let you know when the doctor's ready to see you.
"let you know"は「あなたに知らせる」という意味で、よく使われる
言い方。"let me know"は「私に知らせて」という意味になる。
Ex: I'll let you know when I come to Tokyo.
D: すみません。コンタクトレンズが欲しいんですけど。
R: かしこまりました。以前にご来店頂いたことはございますか?
D: 実は、初めてなんです。最近この辺に越してきまして、前に通っていた
R: そうですか、その場合ですと、新しいコンタクトレンズをお出しする前に、
D: 多分そうかな、と思ってました。長く待ちますか?
R: 良い時にいらっしゃいましたね。3、4人の方しか、お客様の前に
D: 良かった。
R: そちらにお掛けになって、この用紙を記入して頂ければ、先生の診察の