Lesson 451
Heather is lamenting the fact that she couldn't get tickets to see the Rolling Stones in concert. She is talking to her friend Tyler.
Heather is lamenting the fact that she couldn't get tickets to see the Rolling Stones in concert. She is talking to her friend Tyler.
T: Tyler
H: Heather
T: Hey Heather, why the glum face?
H: Oh, hi Tyler. I spent all morning trying to get tickets to
the Rolling Stones but I missed out.
T: Yeah, I heard they were all sold out.
H: I’ve wanted to see them for ages but never had the chance.
Then they finally come to this neck of the woods and I can’t get
tickets to the concert.
T: Maybe I could help you there.
H: Really? Do you have tickets?
T: No, but I know the manager of the stadium they’re playing at.
Let me see if I can pull some strings and get you in.
H: You’d really do that?!
T: Sure. But I can’t guarantee anything so don’t get your hopes up
too high, OK?
H: OK, I’ll try. Thanks Tyler! If you can get me in, I’ll really
owe you one!
Hey Heather, why the glum face?
"glum face"は「浮かない顔、渋い顔」という意味。"glum" は
意味がある。他には、"long face", "rueful expression",
"brooding face", "gloomy face" などの言い方もある。
Ex: Put away the glum face. It's Friday!
I spent all morning trying to get tickets to the Rolling Stones but I missed out.
"miss out" は「取り損なう、失う、経験し損なう、見逃す、
Ex: I missed out on seeing the Emperor.
Then they finally come to this neck of the woods and I can't get tickets to the concert.
"this neck of the woods" は「この界隈(辺り)」という意味。
"neck of the woods" は「地域、地方、近辺」という意味。アメリカ
南西部では、森林地帯の開拓地を"neck of the woods"と呼んでいた
Ex: If you ever come to our neck of the woods, drop by.
Let me see if I can pull some strings and get you in.
"pull strings" は「コネを利用する、人の力を利用して目的を
裏から手を回す、策動する」という意味もある。"pull wires"
Ex: He pulled some strings to get a job at that company.
T: よっ、ヘザー、何で浮かない顔してるの?
H: ああ、ハイ、タイラー。今日の午前中ずっと、ローリング・ストーンズの
T: そうか、チケットは全部売れたって聞いたよ。
H: ずっと彼らが見たかったけど、チャンスがなかったわ。そしたら、
T: そのことなら、助けてあげられるかもしれないな。
H: 本当?チケット持ってるの?
T: いいや、だけど、彼らが演奏するスタジアムの、マネージャーを
知ってるんだ。 コネを使って、君を中に入れられるかやってみるよ。
H: 本当にそんなことしてくれるの?!
T: 良いとも。だけど、何も保証は出来ないから、あんまり期待しない
H: 分かったわ、期待しないから。ありがとう、タイラー!もし、私を中に