Lesson 124
Clinton is talking to his room mate Patsy, who has just had an argument with their mutual friend Katherine.
Clinton is talking to his room mate Patsy, who has just had an argument with their mutual friend Katherine.
Clinton: I just ran into Katherine right now and she was really upset. She says you’ve been giving her the cold shoulder.
Patsy: Yeah. So what?
Clinton: What’s the story?
Patsy: She’s been such a pain in the neck. Ever since I broke up with Eddie last week she’s been poking her nose into my business trying to get me to spill my guts.
Clinton: Oh, I guess that would annoy me too. Katherine loves her juicy gossip.
Patsy: Yeah, but I wish she’d just get off my back! I’m upset enough as it is without her prying into my private life.
Clinton: Well, why don’t I go and tell her to stop being such a nosey parker?
Patsy: Thanks. That would be a great help.
She says you've been giving her the cold shoulder.
"give 〜 the cold shoulder"は、「〜を無視する、冷たくする」という意味。同じ意味の表現として、"pay no attention to," "turn one's back on," "snub," "ignore," "give the brush off" とい う言い方もあります。
ex: She's been giving her husband the cold shoulder because he forgot their anniversary.
She's been such a pain in the neck.
"a pain in the neck"は「ムカつく、めんどくさい」という意味。お下品ですが、"neck" を "ass" にしても同じ意味になります。「ムカつく人、迷惑な人」とひと言であらわすと、 "a nuisance," "a pest"という言い方があります。
ex: I have to get up early to take my sister to the station. What a pain in the neck!
Ever since I broke up with Eddie last week she's been poking her nose into my business trying to get me to spill my guts.
"poke one's nose into"は、「鼻を突っ込む」という語義から、「余計なお世話を焼く、介入する」という意味になります。反意語は "keep one's nose out of"。"spill one's guts"は 「秘密や個人的なことをぜんぶ言ってしまう」ということ。
ex: She spilled her guts about how she had been sexually harassed at work.
but I wish she'd just get off my back!
"get off one's back" は「〜の背中から離れる」から転じて、「〜を放っておく」という意味。"leave 〜 alone,' "stop bothering 〜,"という言い方もあります。
ex: I told my parents to get off my back about my job.
Why don't I go and tell her to stop being such a nosey parker?
"nosey parker"は、「詮索する人」という意味。
Words & Phrases
Clinton: いまさっきキャサリンにばったり会ったけど、かなり怒ってたよ。きみに無視されたって言ってた。
Patsy: うん。で?
Clinton: なにがあったの?
Patsy: キャサリンって、ちょ〜ムカつくのよ! わたしがエディーと別れた先週からずっと、余計なおせっかいを焼いて秘密を聞きだそうとするのよ。
Clinton: ああ、そんなことされちゃあオレも怒るね。キャサリンは噂話が大好きだからな。
Patsy: うん、でもホントほっといてほしいわ。ただでさえ、別れたことで落ち込んでるっていうのに。
Clinton: じゃ、オレがキャサリンに言っておこうか、おせっかいはやめとけって。
Patsy: アリガト。ホント助かるわ。