Lesson 455
Nina and her boyfriend Ted have gone camping for the weekend. They are out for a hike in the woods and Nina is talking about how much she enjoys the outdoors. Ted is not so enthusiastic.
Nina and her boyfriend Ted have gone camping for the weekend. They are out for a hike in the woods and Nina is talking about how much she enjoys the outdoors. Ted is not so enthusiastic.
N: Nina
T: Ted
N: Isn’t this great, Ted? Sunshine, fresh air, beautiful scenery.
T: Don’t forget hay-fever. This pine forest is killing me.
N: Oh, quit your complaining. You love it.
T: No, I really don’t…By the way, are you sure it’s safe to be
walking on this trail?
N: Of course. It’s a designated hiking trail. Why?
T: Didn’t you notice that sign a ways back saying “watch out for
N: Our chances of seeing a bear are pretty slim, Ted. Besides, they’re
more scared of us than we are of them.
T: I wouldn’t be so sure about that.
N: Come on scaredy-cat. I’ll hold your hand all the way to the
clearing if it will make you feel better.
T: No.
N: Anyway, we’re not far now. It should be just up ahead.
This pine forest is killing me.
使った表現には、"kill time"「時間を潰す」、"kill the motor"
「エンストを起こす」、"kill the smell"「においを消す」、
"kill the tree"「木を枯らす」などがある。
Ex: These high heels are killing me.
Oh, quit your complaining.
"quit" は「やめる、中止する、放棄する」という意味。他には
Ex: I'm going to quit smoking.
Our chances of seeing a bear are pretty slim, Ted.
chance"は「わずかな望み」、“fat chance"は「可能性がほとんどない」
Ex: I have only a slim chance passing the National Exam to be a
Come on scaredy-cat.
"chicken heart", "yellow belly", "mouse", "coward",
"rubber sock"という言い方もある。
Ex: It isn't a monster. It's just a tree. Scaredy-cat!
N: テッド、凄くない?太陽の光、新鮮な空気、美しい景色。
T: 花粉症のことを忘れるなよ。この松林は、本当に辛いよ。
N: もー、文句を言うのはやめなさいよ。楽しいわよ。
T: いいや、楽しくない・・・ところで、このトレイルを歩くのは、本当に安全?
N: もちろんよ。指定されたハイキング・トレイルよ。どうして?
T: ずっと後ろにあった、「熊に注意」って書かれたサインに
N: テッド、私たちが熊に遭遇する可能性はかなり低いわ。それに、私たちが
T: そうかな。
N: ほら〜、意気地なし。もし、あなたの気分を良く出来るなら、森の広場に
T: いいよ。
N: とにかく、もうそんなに遠くないわ。きっとすぐそこよ。