Scene 2-2 Slice of Heaven
A week has passed and Sara has drafted a travel plan for her and Elliot’s trip to New Zealand. She checks with Elliot about what he is interested in doing.
Sara: Hey hon, I’ve come up with a rough plan for our trip.
Elliot: Great! What do you have?
Sara: Well, I thought we could fly into Christchurch then make our
way up the country. I figured that seeing you were so
impressed by the Marlborough Sounds, we could spend two or
three days there. I found this awesome hotel located right in
the middle of the Sounds. It’s really isolated, and there’s
no road access, so the only way you can get in is by boat.
Elliot: Sounds great!
Sara: There are plenty of hiking tracks and great scenery. And the
seafood there is amazing! The Sounds is the Greenshell mussel
capital of the world!
Elliot: No way! Well, you can definitely put us down for a couple of
nights there then. Do they have all-you-can-eat?
Sara: No such luck, but there is a cruise that you can go on. It
says here that they pass through a mussel farm and you can eat
freshly steamed mussels along with a glass of local wine.
Elliot: That sounds like me! Hey, isn’t the Marlborough area famous
for wine too?
Sara: Yeah. But my home town Napier is also famous for wine, so I
thought we could do the wine tour thing up there.
Elliot: We could do both areas. Do we have time?
Sara: Yeah, I think so. I’d like to spend at least three days in
Napier though, so I think that’ll only leave us with about
half a day for wine tasting in Marlborough, but I’m sure we
can squeeze in a couple of wineries.
Elliot: And we’re flying out of Auckland?
Sara: Yeah. So we’ll have a day or so there too. Anything you’d
like to see there?
Elliot: I heard the waterfront is really nice there. It might be nice
just to hang out and relax.
Sara: Sounds great!
To be continued.
Well, I thought we could fly into Christchurch then make our way up the country.
"make one's way" で「前進する、進んで行く、向かう」という意味。
"make one's way home" 「家路につく」、"make one's way from 〜 to 〜" 「〜から〜へ向かう」、"make one's way across a room" 「部屋を横切って行く」"make one's way in life" 「出世する」、"make one's way on foot" 「徒歩で行く」など、色々な使い方がある。
ex. He made his way through the forest.
I figured that seeing you were so impressed by the Marlborough Sounds, we could spend two or three days there.
"seeing 〜"で、「〜なので」という意味の、主にブリティッシュイングリッシュに使われている表現です。
"seeing as 〜" という言い方もある。
ex. Seeing I'm broke at the moment, I can't afford to go out for dinner.
No such luck
"no such luck"で、「運悪く〜でない、残念ながら〜でない、そんなについていない」という意味の表現です。"unfortunately not"、"bad luck"、"worse luck" という言い方もある。
ex. "I wonder if we can still get tickets for Eric Clapton?"
"No such luck. They sold out weeks ago."
That sounds like me!
"sounds like 〜"で、「〜のよう、〜みたい、〜そう」という意味の表現。
ここの"sounds like me"は、「私にぴったり、私が好きそうな」という意味になる。
ex. "What do you want to eat?"
"The chocolate fudge sundae sounds like me."
I’m sure we can squeeze in a couple of wineries.
"squeeze in"で、「無理矢理入れる、ギューギューに詰め込む」という意味の表現です。日程にスケジュールを無理矢理入れる時、物を入れ物に無理矢理入れる時に使える表現です。
ex. I had time to squeeze in couple of errands before going to work.
It might be nice just to hang out and relax.
"to hang out"は、色々な意味があるが、ここでは、「ブラブラする、ウロウロする」という意味になる。他には「よく行く、頻繁に訪れる」、「頑張る」、「のどから手が出るほど欲しがる」「外に出す」という意味もある。。
ex. We always used to hang out at the park when we were teenagers.
S: ねえ、ハニー、私たちの旅行の大まかなプランを考えたわ。
E: マジで?何?
S: えっと、クライストチャーチまで飛んで、それから上がっていくのは
E: いいじゃん!
S: そこはたくさんのハイキングスポットと素晴らしい景色があるの。それ
E: うっそ〜!じゃ、絶対そこに2泊したいな。食べ放題はある?
S: 残念ながらないね。でもクルーズがあるのよ。ここに書いてあるには、
E: それって、まさに俺のためって感じじゃん!あっ、マールボラってワイン
S: そうよ。でも私の故郷のネイピアもワインが有名だから、そこでワイン
E: 両方でっていうのもありじゃん。時間はある?
S: うん、たぶん。少なくても3日はネイピアで過ごしたいから、マールボラ
E: で、オークランドから出るの?
S: うん。だからそこでも1日ぐらいあるの。何か見たいのある?
E: 臨海部がすごくきれいって聞いたの。ブラブラしてリラックスするのも
S: いいわね!