Scene 5-5 If I Had Words
Scarlett has been studying French for almost two years now but lately she has been frustrated by her lack of progress. She asks her teacher Jacques for some advice.
Jacques: Hi Scarlett, did you want to talk to me about something?
Scarlett: Yes Jacques. I’ve been getting a bit frustrated in class
recently. It seems that no matter how hard I study, I
just don’t seem to make any progress. I mean, I learned
so much last year, and even in the first semester this year,
but in the last couple of months I feel like I’ve hit
a brick wall.
Jacques: What you’re experiencing now is something all language
learners go through Scarlett. There will be times when
you make progress in leaps and bounds but then there will
also be times when it seems as though nothing you study sticks.
Scarlett: That’s exactly where I am now. Actually, if anything,
I feel like my French has been getting worse lately.
Jacques: That’s not the case, believe me. It’s all part of
the learning process and it’s nothing to get upset about.
It may not feel like you’re getting any better, but what
is happening right now is that your brain is consolidating
everything you’ve learned over the last few months in order
for you to take the next step up.
Scarlett: Consolidating?
Jacques: Think of it as climbing a huge staircase with enormous steps.
You climb up one step but then you have to walk across that
step for a while before you reach the next step to climb.
Scarlett: That’s an interesting way of putting it. So I’m actually
crossing a step right now but I’m still making progress
because I’m moving towards the next step?
Jacques: That’s right. At times like these, sometimes it helps if you
set yourself a goal to work towards so you don’t lost
Scarlett: A goal? What sort of goal?
Jacques: Well, going to France on holiday to practice is the obvious
one, but that tends to be a bit expensive so I’d recommend
sitting an exam.
Scarlett: An exam? No way! I swore when I left school that I’d never
sit another exam again.
Jacques: Well, I can’t force you, but I think it’d be just what you
need to get back on track again.
Scarlett: Weeeeeeell, let me think about it. Thanks Jacques.
Jacques: Don’t mention it.
To be continued.
It seems that no matter how hard I study, I just don't seem to make any progress.
“no matter how”は「どんなに〜しても」という意味。
“no matter”を使ったイディオムには、“no matter what”
「何があっても」、“no matter if”「例え〜でも」、
“no matter when”「いつでもいいから」、“no matter where”
ex: No matter how much I eat, I get hungry again!
in the last couple of months I feel like I've hit a brick wall.
“hit a brick wall”は「壁にぶち当たる」という意味。
“brick wall”は「レンガの壁」という意味だが、「大きな障害」
ex: I've hit a brick wall, I can't draw anything.
There will be times when you make progress in leaps and bounds
“in leaps and bounds”は「飛躍的に、とんとん拍子に」という意味。
“by leaps and bounds”ともいう。“leap”と”bound”は同じ意味で
“advance” ,“progress”,“grow”などの「成長、進歩」という
ex:The company is growing in leaps and bouds.
Think of it as climbing a huge staircase with enormous steps.
“think of A as B”は「AをBと考える」という意味。例え話をする
ときに、よく使う表現。他にも“A is like B”という言い方もある。
ex: I think of him as a treasured friend.
That's an interesting way of putting it.
(言葉に)移す」という意味。“put it mildly”「控えめにいう」、
“put it bluntly”「ぶっきらぼうにいう」、“put it elegantly”
「上品にいう」、“put it this way”「こういう言い方をする」
ex: I don't know how to put it.
I think it'd be just what you need to get back on track again.
“on track”は「順調に進んで、軌道に乗って」という意味。
“get back on track”は「(軌道から外れたものを)再び軌道に
ex: I wish Mr.Koizumi would get the Japanese economy back on
J: やあ、スカーレット、何か話したいことがあったの?
S: ええ、ジャック。最近ちょっと授業に挫折感を感じているの。
J: スカーレット、今、君が経験していることは、語学学習者がみんな
S: 全く今の私の状況だわ。 実はね、どちらかといえば、最近、
J: そんなことないよ、僕を信じて。これは、全て習得過程の一部だから、
S: 基礎固め?
J: これを、ものすごい段差の巨大な階段を上っていると、考えてみて。
S: それは面白い言い方ね。じゃあ、私はちょうど今、段を渡っている
J: そのとおり。こんなときは、努力するためのゴールを作ると、
S: ゴール?どんなゴール?
J: そうだな、 練習のために、ホリデーでフランスに行くのは、
S: 試験?嫌よ!学校を卒業したときに、もう二度と試験は受けないって
J: まあ、強制はできないな。でも、これがまさに、君がまた調子を
S: そーお、ちょっと考えさせて。ありがとう、ジャック。
J: どう致しまして。