Lesson 29
Christine came to work with her foot bandaged up.
Christine came to work with her foot bandaged up.
Yukio: Hey, why’s your foot bandaged up? What happened?
Christine: I didn’t wake up on time this morning. I was going to be late for work, so I had to hurry. I was trying to get down the stairs quickly and I slipped and twisted my ankle.
Yukio: Ouch!
Christine: Yeah. The reason I didn’t wake up on time was because the batteries in my alarm clock died last night.
Yukio: Agh – that’s bad luck. So … did you get to work on time?
Christine: No. I had to go to the hospital. My foot was killing me. So the next time I’m late for something, I don’t think I’ll hurry!
I didn't wake up on time this morning.
"on time"は「時間通りに」という意味です。同じような意味で"punctually"、"on the dot"などがあります。また、"in time"だと「間に合って」という意味になります。
ex) The train arrived on time.
I was trying to get down the stairs quickly and I slipped and twisted my ankle.
ex) Be careful not to slip on the icy sidewalk.
He twisted his ankle.
ex) Ouch. It hurts!
The reason I didn't wake up on time was because the batteries in my alarm clock died last night.
ex) The batteries are dead.
work on (by) batteries
My foot was killing me.
Words & Phrases
Yukio: あれれ、足に包帯巻いちゃって、どうしたの!?
Christine: 今朝、時間どおりに起きなくて、遅刻しそうになったから急いだの。それで、階段を駆け下りたら、すべって足首をひねっちゃったのよ〜!
Yukio: うわっ、痛そ〜っ!
Christine: うん。時間に起きられなかったのは、目覚し時計の電池が切れちゃったからなの。
Yukio: うわっ、それはついてなかったね。それで、会社には間に合ったの?
Christine: 間に合うわけないでしょ。も〜、足が痛くて痛くて、病院に行かなくちゃいけなかったんだから。これから、遅刻しそうな時は、もう急がないわ!