Lesson 55
Luise's best friend is coming to Japan.
Luise's best friend is coming to Japan.
Luise: My best friend is coming to visit me next week from New Zealand. He wants to visit something typically Japanese. Where would you recommend?
Akio: Let’s see … how about Mt. Fuji?
Luise: That’s a nice idea, but … I think something more relaxing would be better! We’re not very energetic!
Akio: Well, in that case, how about Kamakura and the temples there?
Luise: That sounds good.
Akio: Take a camera: there are plenty of photo opportunities in Kamakura.
Luise: Sure.
Akio: And don’t forget to bring back some ‘omiyage’!
He wants to visit something typically Japanese.
ex) He's typical of that university.
Where would you recommend?
ex) I recommend going by airplane.
Let's see ...
Well, in that case, how about Kamakura and the temples there?
"in that case"は、「その場合には、それならば」。
ex) In that case, I'll change my plan.
In that case, it would be good to go to see a doctor.
Words & Phrases
Luise: 来週、ニュージーランドから親友が来るの。いかにも日本っ!ていう所に行きたいらしいんだけど、おすすめってある?
Akio: そうだね。富士山なんかどう?
Luise: そうね。でも、もう少しリラックスできる所がいいわ。
Akio: それじゃあ、鎌倉のお寺なんかどう?
Luise: それがいいわ!
Akio: カメラを持っていってね。鎌倉ではたくさん写真を撮るチャンスがあるから。
Luise: 分かった。
Akio: それから「おみやげ」を忘れないでね。