Lesson 91
Angela has just finished talking on the phone when her room mate Todd walks in.
Angela has just finished talking on the phone when her room mate Todd walks in.
Todd: Hi Angela! What’s with the long face?
Angela: Oh, hi Todd. You know that job interview I had last week with that prestigious law firm downtown?
Todd: Yeah I remember. Wasn’t that the one you thought you’d aced?
Angela: Yeah. Well, it turns out that I missed out on the job.
Todd: Oh, that’s a bit of a downer.
Angela: Yeah. It’s a real kick in the teeth. Things went so well at the interview that I thought I had it made.
Todd: Keep your chin up! These things happen. I’m sure the job of your dreams is out there waiting for you somewhere.
Angela: Yeah, and pigs might fly.
What's with the long face?
"long face" は、「落ち込んでいる顔、浮かぬ顔」という意味です。
Wasn't that the one you thought you'd aced?
"to ace something" は、「何かを最高にうまくできる」という意味。
Well, it turns out that I missed out on the job.
"it turns out" は、「結局、実際は」という意味。
ex) I thought that she was the student, but it turns out that she was the teacher.
Oh, that's a bit of a downer.
"downer" には、「気のめいるような経験」という意味があり、"a bit of a downer" は「残念なこと」を表します。
It's a real kick in the teeth.
"a kick in the teeth" は、「辛いショック」という意味です。
Things went so well at the interview that I thought I had it made.
"to have it made" は、「確実だ、最高だ」という意味。
ex) With a great job, a wonderful husband and lots of money, she's got it made.
Keep your chin up!
"Keep your chin up" は、「諦めないで! 積極的になれ! 頑張れ!」という意味。
ex) "My sister is seriously ill in hospital"
"Keep your chin up! She'll be out of there in no time!"
「元気出して! きっとすぐ退院するよ!」
I'm sure the job of your dreams is out there waiting for you somewhere.
"the 〜 of your dreams" は、運命の〜という意味。
ex) the man of your dreams (運命の男)
Yeah, and pigs might fly.
"pigs might fly"は、「豚が空を飛ぶかもしれない」から転じて、「あり得ない」という意味になります。何かが不可能だと思うときに使う表現です。
ex) "I have a feeling I'm going to win the lottery this time!"
"Yeah, and pigs might fly!"
Words & Phrases
Todd: やあ、アンジェラ!?發・覆ご蕕靴討匹Δ靴燭?
Angela: あ〜、トッド。 先週、私があの有名な法律事務所で面接したっていたったのを覚えてる?
Todd: 覚えてるよ。必ず受かると思った面接でしょう?
Angela: そう。でも、結局受からなかったの。
Todd: それは残念だなあ。
Angela: うん。かなりショックだよ。面接がうまくいったからほとんど確実かと思った。
Todd: 諦めないで!こういうこともあるさ。きっと天職が見つかるよ!
Angela: そんなのないよ〜!