Lesson 90
Brian and Lynn are at a friend's house. Lynn has just arrived and is looking rather pale.
Brian and Lynn are at a friend's house. Lynn has just arrived and is looking rather pale.
Brian: What’s wrong Lynn? You’re as white as a ghost.
Lynn: I just got a ride here with Graham. Have you ever driven with him? He drives like a maniac! I tell you, my life flashed before my eyes sitting in that passenger seat!
Brian: I’d heard he was a really pedal to the metal type of guy, but I didn’t think he was that bad.
Lynn: Bad? He’s appalling! I’ve never met a worse speed demon. We were going 100 in a 50 km zone, he was tailgating the car in front of us all the way here and he ran two red lights!
Brian: You’re kidding! You’re lucky you weren’t sideswiped.
Lynn: Tell me about it. There were a couple of close calls though. I’m never entrusting him with my life again.
Brian: That’s probably for the best.
Lynn: So, Brian…?
Brian: Yeah?
Lynn: Can you give me a ride home?
You're as white as a ghost.
"as white as a ghost"は、「幽霊のように青い顔をしている」という意味です。同じ言い方として"You look like you've seen a ghost," "You look as white as a sheet,"などがあります。
I just got a ride here with Graham.
"get a ride with 〜"は、「〜に乗せてもらう」という意味です。ダイアログの一番最後に出てくるフレーズ"Can you give me a ride?"だと、「車で送ってくれませんか?」という意味になります。"I'll give you a ride"だと、「あなたを車で送ってあげる」という意味になります。
I tell you, my life flashed before my eyes sitting in that passenger seat!
"my life flashed before my eyes" は、文字どおりに「人生を一瞬に回想した」という意味ですが、危ない経験について話す時に「死ぬかと思った」という意味でよく使います。
I'd heard he was a really pedal to the metal type of guy, but I didn't think he was that bad!
"pedal to the metal type of guy" は、「スピード狂の男」という意味です。他に"speed freak," "speed demon,"の言い方もあります。
I've never met a worse speed demon.
"speed demon"は、「スピード狂の人」という意味です。
We were going 100 in a 50 km zone, he was tailgating the car in front of us all the way here and he ran two red lights!
"tailgating"は、前の車のすぐ後ろを走ることを指します。"ran a red light"は、「信号無視」という意味です。
Tell me about it.
ex) "That was a really hard test!"
"Tell me about it!"
There were a couple of close calls though.
"close call" は、「危機一髪」という意味です。
Words & Phrases
Brian: どうしたの、リン? 顔が青いよ。
Lynn: ここまでグレーアムに車で送ってもらったのよ。彼と一緒にドライブしたことある?気が狂ったみたいに運転するよ!隣に座ってるのが怖くて死ぬかと思ったわ!
Brian: スピード狂だって聞いたことあるけど、それほど悪いとは思わなかったなあ。
Lynn: 悪いどころじゃない。恐ろしいわよ。彼ほどひどいスピード狂の人みたことないわ。50キロの道路を100キロも出して走ったし、前の車のすぐ後ろをずっと走ってて、赤信号を2回も無視しちゃった!
Brian: ウソ!横から突っ込まれなくてよかったな。
Lynn: そうなのよ!危機一髪のところもあったのよ。彼には2度と私の人生をあずけないわ!
Brian: そのほうがいいかも。
Lynn: あのさ、ブライアン・・・?
Brian: うん?
Lynn: 帰りに車で送ってくれない?