Lesson 99
Courtney is talking to her room mate Dean.
Courtney is talking to her room mate Dean.
Courtney: Hey Dean, how did your job interview go?
Dean: It was nothing to write home about.
Courtney: What happened? You were bursting with confidence when you left this morning.
Dean: I think I made a hash of it. Nothing I said seemed to impress them.
Courtney: What gave you that impression?
Dean: Well, they took one look at my resume and said straight off the bat that I was too inexperienced for the position.
Courtney: I wouldn’t let that get you down. If they really thought that after only looking at your resume, then why did they bother to interview you?
Dean: I guess you’ve got a point there. They did change their tone when I told them about all the volunteer work I did over the summer.
Courtney: There you go then. Don’t give up hope yet!
It was nothing to write home about.
"nothing to write home about"は、「大したことない」という意味。"without incident"、"run of the mill"、"humdrum" という言い方もあります。反意語は"action packed"。
ex) The concert was nothing to write home about.
You were bursting with confidence when you left this morning.
"burst"には「爆発する」という意味がありますね。そのイメージから、"bursting with confidence"だと、「自信満々」という意味になります。ちなみに、"burst out laughing"だと「大笑いする」。
I think I made a hash of it
"to make a hash of 〜"は、「〜を失敗する」という意味。"botch up"、"bungle"、"mess up"、"make a dog's dinner of" という言い方もあります。
ex) I tried to make a birthday cake for my friend, but I made a hash of it.
Well, they took one look at my resume and said straight off the bat that I was too inexperienced for the position.
"straight off the bat"は、「すぐに、早速」という意味。"then and there," "at once," "right away" という言い方もあります。
They did change their tone when I told them about all the volunteer work I did over the summer.
"to change tone"は、「態度を変える」という意味。
Words & Phrases
Courtney: やあ、ディーン、面接はどうだった?
Dean: あまり大したことなかったよ。
Courtney: 何があったの? 今朝出かけた時は自信満々だったのに。
Dean: しくじったんだよ。どんなことを言ってもいい印象を与えることができなかった。
Courtney: 何でそう思うの?
Dean: だって僕の履歴書を見るやいなや、経験がないからこの仕事にはふさわしくないって言ったんだよ。
Courtney: 落ち込まないで。履歴書を見て本当にそう思ったなら、わざわざ面接に呼んだりしなかったでしょう?
Dean: そういえばそうかもしれない。確かに、夏にボランティアで働いた話しをしたらちょっと態度が変わったね。
Courtney: ほら! 諦めるのはまだ早いよ!