Lesson 143
Joe is talking to his friend Trish, who is angry with her boyfriend Ned after an argument.
Joe is talking to his friend Trish, who is angry with her boyfriend Ned after an argument.
Joe: You’ve got a face like thunder Trish. What happened? Have another argument with Ned?
Trish: Yes! I don’t know what’s up with him lately. Everything I do seems to bug him.
Joe: Well, he is pretty preoccupied with work right now. You know his job’s under threat with all this restructuring going on? If he gets laid off he’s going to have to find other employment.
Trish: But that’s no reason to take it out on me! I’m trying to help him, for God’s sake.
Joe: Well, he is a pretty proud sort of guy. You know he hates people trying to lend him a hand.
Trish: Yeah, but I’m his girlfriend. I want to help him!
Joe: Maybe it’s best to lay off him for a while, until things get sorted out for him at work, at least. I know you mean well, but you might just be adding to the pressure he’s under.
Trish: Well, I left a message on his answer phone telling him I want to talk, so I’ll leave it at that for the moment then. The ball’s in his court now!
You've got a face like thunder Trish.
ex: I'm not sure what had happened but she had a face like thunder.
Well, he is pretty preoccupied with work right now.
ex: The world has become preoccupied with the idea of globalisation.
But that's no reason to take it out on me!
"take out on 〜"は「〜に八つ当たりする」ということ。"throw a tantrum"という表現もチェックしておきましょう。
ex: The teacher took pay gripe out on kids.
Maybe it's best to lay off him for a while, until things get sorted out for him at work, at least.
"lay off"は「一時解雇する」という恐怖の意味で覚えられることが多いですが、このように「〜をそっとしておく、ほうっておく」という意味にもなります。"let 〜 alone"と言い換えることも可能です。
The ball's in his court now!
Words & Phrases
Joe: トリッシュ、ひどく怒った顔してるね。どうしたの? またネッドとケンカしたの?
Trish: そうなの! わからないのよ、最近の彼って。私が何をやっても怒るの。
Joe: まあ、彼はいま、仕事で頭がいっぱいだからさ。いま、会社がリストラしてるじゃん? クビになったら、新しい仕事をさがさなければならないからさ。
Trish: だからって私に八つ当たりすることないじゃん! 私は力になりたいのよ、ったく!
Joe: でもプライドが高いヤツだからなあ。人に助けられたくなんてないだろう。
Trish: そうだけど、私はカノジョなのよ! 力になりたいわよ!
Joe: ちょっと放っておいたほうがいいかもしれないよ、仕事のほうが落ち着くまでさ。気持ちはわかるケド、さらにプレッシャーを与えてるかもしれないし。
Trish: ま、彼の留守電にメッセージで「話したい」って入れといたから、そのまま放っておくことにするわ。カレからの連絡を待つだけよ。