Lesson 144
Ron comes home from work looking upset. His wife Nancy is concerned and asks him about his day. The problem turns out not to be the office, but something that happened on the way home from work.
Ron comes home from work looking upset. His wife Nancy is concerned and asks him about his day. The problem turns out not to be the office, but something that happened on the way home from work.
Nancy: You look upset, Ron. Tough day at the office?
Ron: No, work was the same as usual.
Nancy: Then, what is it?
Ron: I just had an incredibly humiliating thing happen to me.
Nancy: Oh no.
Ron: Yeah. I was at the store, picking up a few things that I needed. I got up to the counter and was about to pay, when I noticed that I was $8 short.
Nancy: What did you do?
Ron: Well, the only thing I could. I started removing items one by one until I could afford the remaining stuff. There was a big line too, which made things even worse. Everyone was watching.
Nancy: Oh, you poor thing. Here, sit down and let’s open a nice bottle of wine.
Ron: Sounds good.
I just had an incredibly humiliating thing happen to me.
"have+something+happen to 〜"の形で、なにか良くないことが起きたときに使う表現になります。
ex: I had my money stolen. (My money was stolen だから stolen)
when I noticed that I was $8 short.
このように、お金が足りないときに"short"をよく使いますね。"I was short of money.(お金が足りない)"なんて使いたくない表現ですけど、使える表現です。
ex: The country is short of nurses.
I started removing items one by one until I could afford the remaining stuff.
"one by one"は「ひとつずつ」ということ。"one at a time" "by ones"という表現もあります。
ex: How can such a small business afford a sum like that?
Oh, you poor thing.
"poor thing"で「かわいそうなこと(人)」。"You poor thing"とひとつのフレーズとして頭に入れておきましょう。"poor"は同情を表すときに形容詞として用いることができますね。
ex: Poor Syoko!
Words & Phrases
Nancy: 気が動転してるみたいね、ロン。仕事がツラかった?
Ron: いや、仕事はいつもどおりだった。
Nancy: じゃあ、どうしたの?
Ron: すっごい恥をかいちゃったんだよ。
Nancy: あらー。
Ron: うん。店にいって、いくつか商品を選んでさ。で、カウンターにもっていって、いざ払おうとしたら、8ドル足りないことに気づいたんだ。
Nancy: どうしたの?
Ron: いや、どうするもくそもなかったよ。商品を一つひとつ取りのぞいて、持ち合わせのおカネで払える数まで減らしたんだ。列が長かったから余計はずかしかったね。みんな見てんだもん。
Nancy: かわいそー。ほら、座っておいしいワインをあけましょうよ。
Ron: いいねー。