Lesson 188
Debbie and Shane are talking about their boss' new hairstyle.
Debbie and Shane are talking about their boss' new hairstyle.
Debbie: So, what did you think of Patricia’s new do?
Shane: The bright red afro? Don’t remind me. It was all I could do not to crack up at the sight of her.
Debbie: Poor woman. I almost feel sorry for her, you know. I bet she just cracked under all that stress and in a moment of insanity, went to the hairdressers and asked them to let loose!
Shane: Yeah, well she’s the laughing stock of the division now! The guys down in accounting were in hysterics this morning! I don’t know how you can keep a straight face, sitting in the same office with her all day long.
Debbie: Believe me, it’s not easy! It’s like sharing an office with Bozo the clown! I hope she comes to her senses soon and changes it back to the way it was.
Shane: And deprive us of our entertainment? I should hope not!
what did you think of Patricia's new do?
It was all I could do not to crack up at the sight of her.
"It was all I could do"で「〜することが私ができるすべてのことだった」。そこから転じて「〜するのが精一杯」。
"crack up"は「精神的におかしくなる」という意味があり、ここでは「大笑いする」くらいの意味になります。
ex: It is all I can do to be a good parent.
I bet she just cracked under all that stress and in a moment of insanity, went to the hairdressers and asked them to let loose!
"crack"は話し言葉で「神経が参る、気が狂う」という意味があり、"crack under stress"で「ストレスで神経が参る」。
また、"let loose"は「ハメをはずす、好き放題させる」。
ex: Will Woods crack under the pressure of global expectation?
I hope she comes to her senses soon and changes it back to the way it was.
"come to one's senses"は、馬鹿げた言動をやめて「良識に戻る、我に帰る」ということ。「意識を取り戻す」という意味もあります。
ex: I hope he comes to his senses and realises what a prick he is being.
Words & Phrases
Debbie: で、パトリシアの新しい髪型、どう思った?
Shane: あの真っ赤なアフロヘア? 思い出させるなよ。彼女を見ても噴き出さないようにするのが精一杯だったよ。
Debbie: 彼女もかわいそうね。同情しそうになったわ。日ごろのストレスに参っちゃって、気がおかしくなってるときに美容院に行って、好き勝手するように頼んだのよ。
Shane: うん、彼女は今、課の笑いの種だよ! 経理課の連中は、今朝大爆笑だったよ!どうやったらすました顔してられるんだろうね、一日中彼女とおなじオフィスにいてさ。
Debbie: ホント、辛いわよ! まるで同化師のボーゾーと一緒にオフィスにいるようなもんだもん。彼女もはやく正気に戻って、前の状態に戻して欲しいわ。
Shane: それで、うちらの楽しみを奪えってのか? そりゃイヤだね!