Lesson 192
Trevor is worried about his workmate Sarah, who is looking very tired.
Trevor is worried about his workmate Sarah, who is looking very tired.
Trevor: Are you OK there? You look like you’re about to doze off any minute.
Sarah: I can hardly keep my eyes open! All these late nights are starting to catch up with me.
Trevor: Late nights? How much sleep are you getting?
Sarah: Only about 2 or 3 hours a night. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends trying to finish up all these reports for the accountant, but I just don’t seem to be making a dent in this paperwork.
Trevor: Me too. I’ve been taking work home every night and working till the small hours. They really ought to take on more staff. Even a part timer would make a difference.
Sarah: Tell me about it! I could really use a hand.
Trevor: Well, I don’t know if I can be of much help, but if there’s anything I can do, just give me a yell.
Sarah: Thanks. Actually there is something…
Trevor: Yeah?
Sarah: A cup of coffee would be great.
You look like you're about to doze off any minute.
"doze off"は「うとうとする」ということ。同じ意味の表現として、"drop off" "nod off"があります。
ex: I dozed off while we were having an important meeting, right in front of the boss.
All these late nights are starting to catch up with me.
"catch up with 〜"には「〜に追いつく」という意味でよく試験に出てきますが、ここではもう一つの意味「〜を苦しめる」で使われています。通常「物」を主語にして、「なにか好ましくない過去の事柄が〜を苦しめる」といったニュアンスになります。
ex:(雑誌の見出しで)Bush's Lies Begin To Catch Up With Him
I've been burning the candle at both ends trying to finish up all these reports for the accountant
"burning the candle at both ends"は、「仕事(勉強が)が、夜遅くまでやって朝早く起きてまたやらねばならぬほどたくさんある」といったニュアンスのあるフレーズです。
ex: You can't burn the candle at both ends without sacrificing something.
I just don't seem to be making a dent in this paperwork.
"dent"は「くぼみ、へこみ」。そこから転じて、"make a dent in"だと「〜を減少させる」ということ。
ex: Family planning helps make a dent in the abortion rate.
give me a yell.
この場合の"yell" は名詞で「大声を上げること」。"give someone a yell"で「(助けを求めて)〜を呼ぶ」という意味になります。似たような表現として"give someone a call(〜に電話をする)"があります。
ex: I'll give him a yell and see if he's interested.
Words & Phrases
Trevor: 大丈夫かい? いまにも眠り込んじゃいそうだぞ。
Sarah: 目を開けてられないわ! 毎晩毎晩遅くまで働いてるのが祟ってきたわ。
Trevor: 遅くまで? 毎晩どのくらい寝てるの?
Sarah: たった2、3時間くらいよ。経理に提出する書類の作成でずっと作業してるんだけど、すこしもはかどってない感じなのよ。
Trevor: 僕も。毎晩仕事を自宅に持ち帰って、深夜まで働いてるよ。会社ももっとスタッフを増やすべきだな。パートを雇うだけでも少しは違うよ。
Sarah: ホントそうよね! 人手が欲しいわ。
Trevor: 力になれるか分からないけど、もしなにかあったら僕に声をかけてよ。
Sarah: ありがとう。実はひとつお願いが・・・
Trevor: うん?
Sarah: コーヒーを入れてくれたら嬉しいな。