つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 206 中級

Kick Up a Fuss

Gary complains about his horror lunch to his workmate Olivia.



Gary complains about his horror lunch to his workmate Olivia.

Gary: Oh man, I just had the worst lunch!

Olivia: Where did you go?

Gary: That new Chinese restaurant by the Post Office. Don’t ever go there! The service is appalling!

Olivia: What was so bad?

Gary: Well, for starters, we waited 15 minutes for someone to come and take our order, and then the waiter who brought my bowl of noodles sneezed all over them!

Olivia: Euggh! Gross!

Gary: And when I asked them to bring me a new bowl of noodles, the guy rolled his eyes at me! The nerve!

Olivia: But he did get you a new bowl, right?

Gary: Yeah, eventually. That took another 15 minutes. But then, when I was halfway through eating them, I found some string inside the soup.

Olivia: That’s outrageous! What did you do?

Gary: Well, I refused to pay, of course! They kicked up a real fuss about that, but stuff them! I’m reporting that place to the health authorities!



The service is appalling!

ex: I think his taste in clothes is appalling.



And when I asked them to bring me a new bowl of noodles, the guy rolled his eyes at me!

"roll one's eyes"は、文字通り「目をくるくる回す、目を白黒させる」。何かに呆れたりしたときに、表情豊かな欧米人は目をくるくる回しますね。
ex: Whenever I buy a lottery ticket, my wife always rolls her eyes.

That's outrageous!

ex: My work load is so outrageous that I feel like my head's gonna explode.

They kicked up a real fuss about that, but stuff them!

"kick up a fuss about 〜"で、「〜に関して大騒ぎする、文句を言う」。"Stuff them!"は、イギリスで使われるスラングで「いい加減にしろ!、ざまあみろ!」などの意味になります。"Get stuffed!"とも言います。

Words & Phrases

for starters:


The nerve!


the health authorities:



Gary: ったく、最悪な昼食だったよ!

Olivia: どこに行ったの?

Gary: 郵便局の近くに新しくできた中華料理店。あそこにはゼッタイ行くな!サービスがひどいんだ!

Olivia: なにがいけなかったの?

Gary: まず、15分待ってようやくオーダーをとりにやってきただろ、んでもって、オレのラーメンを運んできたウェイターが、ラーメンに向かってくしゃみをぶっかけたんだ。

Olivia: うー! きたなーい!

Gary: で、新しいラーメンに換えてくれって頼んだら、呆れた顔しやがってさ!なんて態度だ!

Olivia: でも、新しいのには換えてもらえたんでしょ?

Gary: うん、結局はね。それでまた15分待たされたよ。で、半分くらい食べたときに、スープの中から糸が出てきたんだ。

Olivia: それはひどすぎるわ! そのあとどうしたの?

Gary: もちろん、支払いを拒否したよ。店の連中は大騒ぎしてたけど、ふざけんなっつーの! 保険当局に連絡してやるゼ!