Lesson 205
Joe is complaining to his sister Shannon about her dog Lucky.
Joe is complaining to his sister Shannon about her dog Lucky.
Joe: Shannon, that stupid mutt of yours just bit me!
Shannon: What are you talking about? Lucky wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone bite anybody. I’m sure she was just playing with you.
Joe: Playing?! The dog drew blood, Shannon! Look at my hand!
Shannon: It’s just a scratch Joe. Don’t be such a drama queen! I don’t know why you have it in for Lucky. She’s such a good girl.
Joe: Good?! Every time I come to see you, she attacks me. Oh, no! What if she has rabies or something?
Shannon: Of course she doesn’t have rabies. Stop being such a wuss!
Lucky wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone bite anybody.
"let alone 〜"は、「〜はおろか、〜はもちろん」。直前の文に対して、補足する形で使います。
ex: I don't like to talk on the phone, let alone talk about things that don't interest me. My time is very valuable to me.
The dog drew blood, Shannon!
"draw blood"で「血を出す、血を流させる」。主語に肌を切られて血が流れる、という意味になります。
ex: It was a deep scratch that drew blood.
I don't know why you have it in for Lucky.
"have it in for〜"で、「〜が嫌いで悪意を抱いている」ということ。
ex: She seems to have it in for me for some reason, or maybe it just seems that way.
Stop being such a wuss!
Words & Phrases
Joe: シャノン、キミのバカ犬に噛まれたよ!
Shannon: なに言ってるのよ? ラッキーは人を噛むどころか、ハエ一匹だって攻撃しないのよ。きっとあなたと遊んでいただけよ。
Joe: 遊んでた?! 血が出たんだぜ、シャノン! 手を見ろよ!
Shannon: ただの引っかき傷じゃない、ジョー。おおげさにしないでよ! なんでラッキーを目のかたきにするの。こんなにいい子なのに。
Joe: いい子?! 毎回キミんとこに来るたびに、襲われるぞ。あ、やっべー!もし狂犬病とか持ってたらどうすんだ?
Shannon: 狂犬病なんか持ってるわけないわ。女々しいこと言わないでよ!