Lesson 223
Amy and Jim are late for a wedding. Amy is upset.
Amy and Jim are late for a wedding. Amy is upset.
Amy: Jim, there’s no way we’re going to get to the church on time at this rate! The traffic is appalling. Why did you have to insist on taking a short cut?
Jim: Come on, we’ll make it. Have I ever let you down before?
Amy: I’m not even going to bother answering that question. There’s no way we’ll make it! The wedding starts in ten minutes and the church is on the other side of town!
Jim: Relax Amy, it won’t matter if we get there a little late, no one will notice.
Amy: Jim, I’m the sister of the bride! Of course everyone’s going to notice, especially Lara and Phil!
Jim: Hey, hey, don’t get your knickers in a twist! I’ll get you there on time, trust me!
Amy: Yeah, right.
there's no way we're going to get to the church on time at this rate!
"There is no way 〜"で、「〜する見込みはない」という構文。"at this rate"は、「こんな調子では、このままでいくと」。"rate"は「比率、速度、値段」などの意味があります。
ex: There's no way the mobile phone will replace the PC.
At this rate the process will take several years to complete.
The traffic is appalling.
ex: I think his taste in clothes is appalling.
Come on, we'll make it.
"make it"は「うまくいく、時間に間に合う」という意味。"Can you make the party"(パーティーに来れる?)という形にもなります。
ex: If you want to make it as a writer,you're going to have to write everyday.
Hey, hey, don't get your knickers in a twist!
"get one's knickers in a twist"は、「わけもなくイライラする」という意味のインフォーマル表現。相手をちょっと茶化したようなニュアンスがあります。
ex: What's got his knickers in a twist?
Words & Phrases
Amy: ジム、このままだと教会に間に合いっこないわ! 渋滞がヒドイもの。どうして近道なんかにこだわる必要があったのよ?
Jim: おいおい、間に合うよ。いままで僕がキミを失望させたことがあるかい?
Amy: そんな質問にはわざわざ答えないわよ。間に合うわけないじゃない!あと10分で結婚式が始まるっていうのに、教会は町の正反対の場所なのよ!
Jim: 落ち着けよ、エイミー、少しぐらい遅れて到着しても平気だよ、誰も気付かないって。
Amy: ジム、私は花嫁の姉なのよ! みんな気付くに決まってるわ、とくにララとフィルはね!
Jim: ヘイヘイ、イライラするなって! 時間通りに間に合わせるからさ、任せとけって!
Amy: うん、そうね。