Lesson 231
Kevin is talking on the phone to his girlfriend Erica, who is visiting family overseas.
Kevin is talking on the phone to his girlfriend Erica, who is visiting family overseas.
Kevin: Hi honey, how’s your holiday? Getting on well with the relatives?
Erica: Yeah, we’re having a ball here. Great weather, beach and barbecues every day! My cousin’s brought her twin sons Ricky and Robin down too, so it’s pretty lively. How about you? Have things slowed down at work yet?
Kevin: Unfortunately, no. We’re snowed under at the moment. Three people are on sick leave with the flu and so the rest of us are working overtime to get through all the work.
Erica: You poor thing! Now I feel really bad about being here having a good time. You sound like you need a couple of weeks break yourself.
Kevin: Well, I have a couple of business trips next week so at least I’ll be able to get out of the office for a few days.
Erica: Good, it sounds like you need a change from that stuffy old office. Don’t work too hard, OK?
Getting on well with the relatives?
"get on well with"で「〜とうまくやる」。"We're getting on fine"のように、"get on"単独でも使われます。
ex: The ability to get on well with people of all ages is essential.
we're having a ball here.
"have a ball"で「とても楽しい時間を過ごす」。
ex: I had a ball taking surfing lessons and just soaking in the sun.
We're snowed under at the moment.
"snow under"は「雪で埋める、雪で閉じ込める」。そのイメージから、「〜で大忙し」。ここでは、暖かい地域で楽しんでいると思われるErica の状況とのコントラストをしめす意味も含まれています。
ex: I am completely snowed under with work.
it sounds like you need a change from that stuffy old office.
ここでの"change"は、"for a change"(たまには、息抜きに)の"change"と同じ意味合いで使われているます。
Words & Phrases
Kevin: やあハニー、休日はいかがお過ごしかな? 親戚の人たちとはうまくやってるかい?
Erica: うん、ホントに楽しいわよ。晴天、ビーチにバーベキューって毎日!いとこが双子の息子のリッキーとロビンを連れてきたから、すごく活気があるわ。あなたはどう?仕事のほうは落ち着いてきた?
Kevin: あいにく、まだなんだ。いま忙しくて忙しくて。インフルエンザで3人休んでるもんだから、ぜんぶやりこなすためにみんな残業してるよ。
Erica: かわいそう! ここで楽しんでて悪い気がしてきたわ。あなた、数週間休んだほうがよさそうよ。
Kevin: 来週は出張がいくつかあるから、数日間は最悪でもオフィスから抜け出すことができるよ。
Erica: 良かったじゃない。あの息苦しくて古いオフィスから離れて気分転換したほうが良さそうよ。あんまり働きすぎないで、ネ?