Lesson 232
Eric asks his wife Rachel about her dinner with her sister Jemima and Jemima's new boyfriend Sean.
Eric asks his wife Rachel about her dinner with her sister Jemima and Jemima's new boyfriend Sean.
Eric: How was your dinner today? Did Jemima’s new man live up to the hype?
Rachel: Well, Sean was pleasant enough to Jemima and me, but when we got to the restaurant, he was so rude to the waiter and bar staff, and it got even worse once he’d had a few.
Eric: That doesn’t sound very promising, does it? What did Jemima have to say about that?
Rachel: The girl is so besotted I don’t think she even noticed what a total idiot he is. She sat there all night staring dreamily at him with this silly smile plastered all over her face.
Eric: Then I don’t think she’s going to take any criticism of him very well, is she?
Rachel: No, and the last thing I want to do is get into a catfight with her.
Eric: Well, you never know, he could improve as you get to know him.
Rachel: I severely doubt that. I hope Jemima comes to her senses before its too late!
Did Jemima's new man live up to the hype?
"live up to 〜"で、「(期待などに)こたえる」。"hype"は「誇大宣伝」という意味ですが、ここでは「カレ」に対する「良すぎる」評判のことをさします。
ex: Can technology live up to the hopes?
it got even worse once he'd had a few.
"have a few"で「お酒をちょっと飲む」。
the last thing I want to do is get into a catfight with her.
"the last thing I want to 〜 is..."の形で、「...は最後にすること」から転じて「...なんてゼッタイしたくない」。
ex: The last thing I want to see is piles of files everywhere.
I hope Jemima comes to her senses before its too late!
"come to one's senses"は、「意識を取り戻す」から転じて、馬鹿げた言動をやめて「良識に戻る、我に帰る」ということ。
ex: I hope he comes to his senses and realises what a prick he is being.
Eric: ディナーはどうだった? ジェマイマの新しいカレは、評判どおり?
R: シェーンはジェマイマと私に対してはじゅうぶん感じが良かったけどレストランに行ったら、カレったらウェイターとかバーの人たちに対してすごく悪い態度をとって、ちょっと酔いが回ったら余計ヒドくなったわ。
Eric: あんまり期待を持てなさそうじゃない? ジェマイマはそのことについてなんて言ってたの?
Rachel: あの娘はカレにすごくゾッコンだから、カレが大バカってことに気付いてないと思うわ。一晩中、夢でも見てるみたいにカレを見つめて、マヌケな笑みを顔全体に浮かべてたわ。
Eric: だとすると、カレの悪評はなんにも受け入れなさそうじゃない?
Rachel: 受け入れないわね。彼女といがみ合うなんてことはゼッタイしたくないわ。
Eric: わかんないよ、あなたがカレのことを知るにつれて、もっと好感が持てるようになってくるかもしれないし。
Rachel: それはほとんどありえないよ。ジェマイマが何もかも手遅れになる前に正気に戻ってくれればいいな!