Lesson 238
Nicki and A.J are talking about a dinner A.J and his wife had with family friends Carol and Jeff.
Nicki and A.J are talking about a dinner A.J and his wife had with family friends Carol and Jeff.
Nicki: So, how did that dinner with your ridiculously wealthy friends go yesterday?
AJ: It was terrible! They took us to the Clifton Bistro…
Nicki: You mean that really posh place overlooking the beach?
AJ: Yeah. Normally I wouldn’t mind eating there, but Jeff insisted on choosing the wine, and it wasn’t until we got the bill that we realised he’d been ordering $600 bottles of champagne and $400 bottles of wine!
Nicki: You can’t be serious? How much did you have to fork out for that?
AJ: Our share of the bill came to over $1200! But the food we ordered only totalled $150 of that.
Nicki: $1200? How on earth did you pay for that?
AJ: Well of course neither Ngaire or I had the cash on us, so the only thing we could do was hand over our credit cards.
Nicki: Gosh, it sounds to me like Carol and Jeff are two friends you could do without!
how did that dinner with your ridiculously wealthy friends go yesterday?
it wasn't until we got the bill that we realised he'd been ordering $600 bottles of champagne and $400 bottles of wine!
"it is not until 〜 that節"は、直訳すると「〜まで、(that節)でなかった」となり、日本語らしく言い換えると、「〜して初めて(that節)した」となります。このまま覚えておくべき構文です。
ex: It is not until the end of the book that you realize that you have missed something very important.
How much did you have to fork out for that?
"fork out for〜"は、「〜のために大金を費やす」、あるいは単に「お金を出す」という意味のインフォーマルな表現。
ex: Britons fork out for the experience of life.
it sounds to me like Carol and Jeff are two friends you could do without!
"do without"というのは、「〜がなくてもやっていける、〜を抜きでやる」ということ。ここでは、2人の友達はいなくても良い、むしろいない方が良い」というニュアンスです。
ex: That is an unexpected expense I could do without.
Words & Phrases
Nicki: で、超大金持ちの友だち達との夕食はどうだった?
AJ: 最悪! クリフトン・ビストロに連れてかれて・・・。
Nicki: ビーチが見渡せる、あのスゴイ高級なところ?
AJ: うん。いつもだったらあそこで食事しても別にいいんだけど、ジェフにワインを選べって言われたんだ。けっきょく、請求書をみて初めて、彼が600ドルのシャンパンと400ドルのワインを頼んでたって知ったんだ。
Nicki: ウソでしょ? 合計金額はどうなった?
AJ: 割り勘で、ひとり1200ドルだぜ! でも、そのうち食べ物代はたったの150ドル。
Nicki: 1200ドル? いったいどうやって支払ったのよ?$
AJ: もちろん、エンガラも僕も現金は持ち合わせてなかったから、仕方なしにクレジットカードを出すしかなかったんだよ。
Nicki: まったく、キャロルともジェフとも、友だちでいるのはやめた方がよさそうよ。