Lesson 244
Antonio is talking to his sister Gabriella about a cafe near their old childhood home.
Antonio is talking to his sister Gabriella about a cafe near their old childhood home.
Gabriella: Did you enjoy your visit back to Greenhaven? Was the old house still there?
Antonio: Yeah, it brought back so many memories. And whoever’s in the old house now has done a great job of doing it up. It looks great!
Gabriella: I hope you took some photos.
Antonio: Of course! But, hey do you remember Mossy’s Cafe? You know, the little place we used to all go on special occasions.
Gabriella: Yeah, I used to love that place! Their chicken pie was to die for!
Antonio: I stopped by there for lunch, but the place seems to have gone downhill. I had the chicken pie, but the taste certainly wasn’t as I remember it.
Gabriella: Isn’t Mrs Jensen there any more?
Antonio: Yeah, it looks like the place has changed hands.
Gabriella: That’s sad to hear.
it brought back so many memories.
"bring back"は「元に戻す」。「それ(ここでは「昔の家」)を見てたくさんの思い出がよみがえった」ということ。
ex: The accident brought back sad memories of my wife's death.
Their chicken pie was to die for!
"die for 〜"で、「〜が(死ぬほど)欲しくてたまらない」。ここでは「食べたくてしょうがなかった」、つまりそれだけおいしかった、ということです。
ex: I'm dying to go to Tokyo Disney Sea!
the place seems to have gone downhill.
"downhill"は「下の方へ」。"go downhill"だと、「下り坂になる、(状態が)悪くなる」という意味。ビジネス英語でもよく使われる表現です。
ex: Since the shop changed ownership, it really went downhill.
it looks like the place has changed hands.
"change hands"は、「手を変える」から転じて「持ち主・所有者が変わる」という意味。
ex: The piece of art changed hands several times in the past year or so.
Words & Phrases
Gabriella: グリーンへブンへの里帰りは楽しかった?昔の家はまだあった?
Antonio: うん、たくさんの思い出がよみがえってきたよ。それと、新しい入居者の人がちゃんと修理をしてたんだ。よくなってたよ。
Gabriella: 写真、撮ってきたよね。
Antonio: もちろん!そういえば、モッシーのカフェ覚えてる?ほら、僕たちが、時たま行ってた小さいところ。
Gabriella: うん、あの場所はお気に入りだったわ。そこのチキンパイがたまらなかった!
Antonio: そこでお昼食べてきたんだけど、なんか、質が落ちたような感じだったよ。あのチキンパイを食べたんだけど、記憶してた味とはまったく違ってた。
Gabriella: ジェンセンさんは、もうそこには居ないの?
Antonio: うん、持ち主が代わったようだったわ。
Gabriella: それは残念だね。