Lesson 253
Sally has a bit of a problem at her house, and she calls her brother Tom to ask him a favour.
Sally has a bit of a problem at her house, and she calls her brother Tom to ask him a favour.
Tom: Hello
Sally: Hello, Tom? This is Sally.
Tom: Hi, Sally, how’s it going?
Sally: All right. Listen, I have a favour to ask of you?
Tom: Ok. What is it?
Sally: Well, it seems that I have a pretty bad roach problem in my house right now, and I have some people from an extermination company coming tomorrow to fumigate the place, so I was wondering if it would be possible to stay at your place for a few days?
Tom: Of course you can stay here. How long will it take to finish fumigating?
Sally: They said I should wait about three or four days before moving back in.
Tom: Three or four days, huh. Well, I have to go out of town the day after tomorrow, but you can stay here no problem. I’ll just give you the key, and when you leave, be sure to put it in the mailbox.
Sally: Sure thing. I really appreciate this, Tom.
Tom: Don’t mention it.
I have a favour to ask of you?
誰かにお願いをするときの、典型的な決まり文句です。このまま覚えておきましょう。"Can I ask you a favour?" "Will you do me a favour?"などのパターンもあります。
I have some people from an extermination company coming tomorrow to fumigate the place
"have + 人 + 〜ing"で、「人に〜してもらう(〜させる)」。この場合の「人」は"some people from an extermination company"となります。
ex: We're very excited to have him coming on board.
I was wondering if it would be possible to stay at your place for a few days?
この文章の場合の"be wondering"は、誰かにお願い事をするときに、より丁寧な響きを持たせる役割を果たしています。また、なにか興味を引かれたり心配したりして「I wonder about something」という場合もあります。
cf: I wonder why most secretaries are women?
I really appreciate this, Tom.
ex: We appreciate your visit to our Web Site.
Words & Phrases
Tom: もしもし。
Sally: もしもし、トム? サリーだけど。
Tom: おお、サリー。元気かい。
Sally: うん。あのさ、お願い事があるんだけど?
Tom: おう。なんだい?
Sally: あのね、いまウチの家で、ゴキブリがヤバイみたいなのよ。で、あした害虫駆除会社の人がやってきて、家を消毒してもらうことになってるの。だから、何日間か、あなたの家に泊まらせてもらえないかなあ、と思って。
Tom: もちろんOKだよ。消毒にはどのくらいかかるの?
Sally: 戻れるようになるまで3、4日間かかるって。
Tom: 3、4日間か。んっと、あさってに町を離れる予定なんだけど、ウチに泊まってていいよ。カギをわたしとくから、家から出るときに郵便受けの中に入れといてくれな。
Sally: そうするわ。ホントにありがとうね、トム。
Tom: いやいや。