Lesson 254
Wendy and Ryan, two market analysts, are talking about a market proposal for a new product.
Wendy and Ryan, two market analysts, are talking about a market proposal for a new product.
Ryan: Have you had time to review the proposal for the T-347?
Wendy: Yes, but I have to say, I’m a bit worried about the appeal of this product. The design is rather conservative, and that might hurt our sales with the teenage market.
Ryan: Well, the market survey seem to show that people prefer a simpler, more sophisticated design. I guess it does look a bit conservative, but the design team thinks that this will give it maximum appeal.
Wendy: I see. Well, what if we maybe up the number of available colours? That way people will be able to jazz it up a bit if they think the design is a little plain.
Ryan: That’s not a bad idea. I’ll run it by our people in design and see what they say.
I'm a bit worried about the appeal of this product.
ex: You can utilize this as an appeal point at the time of inviting more superior tenants.
the market survey seem to show that people prefer a simpler, more sophisticated design.
ex: This survey shows that employers are still committed to providing pensions.
what if we maybe up the number of available colours?
"what if 〜"で「もし〜だったらどうする?」。"What if"のあとは、主語・動詞という順番となります。
ex: What if you fail to get into any of the schools you apply to?
I'll run it by our people in design and see what they say.
"run something by someone"の形で、「"something"について"someone"に、意見をきく」という意味。主にアメリカ英語や時事英語で使われるフレーズです。
ex: It looks great, but you better run it by the legal department.
Words & Phrases
Ryan: T-347に関する提案は調べてみたかい?
Wendy: うん、でもハッキリ言って、訴求力がちょっと心配だわ。デザインがけっこう地味だから、10代のマーケットでは売上げが伸びないかもしれないし。
Ryan: うーん、市場調査によれば、消費者はシンプルで洗練されたデザインを好むみたいなんだ。ちょっと地味かもしれないけど、デザイン部はこれで最大限の訴求力を発揮することができるって思ってるよ。
Wendy: なるほど。じゃあ、色の選択肢を増やしたらどうかしら。そうすれば、デザインが地味だって思う消費者でも、カラフルにすることができるわよ。
Ryan: 悪くないね。デザインの人たちに伝えて、彼らの意見を聞いてみるよ。