Lesson 252
Suzanne is complaining to her friend Duncan about her brother Malcolm and his family.
Suzanne is complaining to her friend Duncan about her brother Malcolm and his family.
Duncan: So, how’s Malcolm’s house hunting going? It must be fun having them staying with you.
Suzanne: Oh, don’t talk to me about Malcolm and that terrible family of his! I wish that hurry up and find somewhere to move to. I’m at the end of my rope trying to deal with his lazy wife and snotty, bratty kids.
Duncan: What happened to that picture of domestic bliss you were painting last month? I thought you were all getting on great.
Suzanne: Well, they’ve outstayed their welcome. When I offered to let them stay at my house, I thought it’d only be for a week or two. But six weeks have passed and they don’t even look remotely like finding a suitable house to move into. The kids are totally undisciplined, and Lorraine doesn’t lift a finger to help around the house. Much as I love Malcolm, I think I’m going to have to tell him to get out.
Duncan: Why don’t I ask Mandy if she knows of any good properties on the market? She’s sure to know of something.
Suzanne: That’s right, your girlfriend is a real estate agent, isn’t she? Please, please ask her for me! I can’t take much more of this!
how's Malcolm's house hunting going?
"hunting"とは「何かを探すこと」を意味し、このように"house hunting"(家探し)、"flat-hunting"(アパート探し)、"job hunting"(職探し)のような形で良く使われます。なお、「〜を探している人」の意味では、例えば"job hunter"(求職者)となります。
ex: For the next few months I'll be house-hunting and job-hunting in the Yokohama area.
I'm at the end of my rope trying to deal with his lazy wife and snotty, bratty kids.
"at the end of one's rope"は、「綱の先端で(それ以上進めない)」から転じて、「窮地に陥って、万事休して」という意味。
ex: I am at the end of my rope about what to do about my current situation at work.
they've outstayed their welcome.
"someone outstays (overstays) their welcome"は決まりフレーズで「長居をしすぎて相手を嫌がらせる」という意味。
ex: They were busy so I left - I didn't want to outstay my welcome.
Much as I love Malcolm,
"Much as"は、「〜だけれども」という意味で、"though ..."と似たような働きをするフレーズです。直前、あるいは直後に述べることに対して、意外な事実を述べるときに使います。
ex: Much as I didn't want to bother my mom and make her panic, I had to call home and tell her the bad news.
Words & Phrases
Duncan: で、マルコムの家探しはどう? マルコムたちと一緒の暮らしは楽しいだろう。
Suzanne: マルコムとそのヒドイ家族の話しはしないで!はやく引越し場所を見つけてくれたらいいんだけどなあ。困りきってるのよ、彼の怠け者の奥さんと、生意気でやんちゃな子供たちの面倒をみるのに。
Duncan: 先月キミが頭に描いていた幸福な家庭の光景はどうしたの? みんな、仲がいいんだと思ってたけど。
Suzanne: うーん、長居すぎるのよ。私がうちに住むことを提案したときは、ほんの1週間か2週間のツモリだったのよ。でも、それから6週間が経ってるのに、これっぽちも引越し先を見つけようともしない感じなの。子供たちのしつけは最悪で、ロレインときたら家のことを手伝ってもくれないの。私はマルコムのことは大好きだけど、出て行ってもらうように言うしかないと思うわ。
Duncan: マンディーに、どこか売り出し中のいい不動産を知っているか聞いてみようか? 彼女なら何か知っていると思うよ。
Suzanne: そうだった、あなたのガールフレンドは、不動産業者だったわね?どうかお願い、彼女に聞いてみて。もうこれ以上我慢できないわ。