Lesson 285
Trevor goes over to his new girlfriend, Gladys' house. He finds her out in the garden.
Trevor goes over to his new girlfriend, Gladys' house. He finds her out in the garden.
Trevor: Gladys.
Gladys: Over here.
Trevor: Hey. How’s it going? Wow, this is some garden you have here. I didn’t realize you were so into gardening.
Gladys: It’s kind of a hobby of mine. I really only do it during the summer. I don’t have a green house or anything.
Trevor: Still, you must save some money on vegetables.
Gladys: Actually, that’s what I thought at first, but when you factor in all of the costs for soil, fertilizer, and all that, it works out to be almost the same price as buying it at the store.
Trevor: Is that right?
Gladys: Yeah. But it’s fun, and I find it kind of relaxing. Anyway, are you ready to go?
Trevor: Sure. Whenever you are.
Wow, this is some garden you have here.
I didn't realize you were so into gardening.
ex: I'm into all kinds of sports, especially baseball.
when you factor in all of the costs for soil, fertilizer, and all that
名詞としての"factor"は「要素、原因」といった意味で、それが動詞となり"factor in"と熟語になると、「計算に入れる、織り込む」という意味になります。おもにアメリカで使われる表現です。
it works out to be almost the same price as buying it at the store
"work out"には「解決する、結果的に〜となる」などさまざまな意味がありますが、ここでは「(合計を)算出する」の意味。
ex: If you are regularly using the bus then buy a bus pass, it will work out cheaper.
Words & Phrases
Trevor: グラディス。
Gladys: こっちよ。
Trevor: よお。どうだい? へー、なかなか立派な庭じゃないか。キミが庭造りにハマってるなんて知らなかったよ。
Gladys: ちょっとした趣味なんだ。夏しかやらないんだけどね。温室とかないから。
Trevor: それでも、野菜代の節約にはなるんじゃない?
Gladys: あたしも最初はそう思ったんだけど、土とか肥料とかの費用を計算すると、けっきょくお店で買うのとあんまり変わらないもんよ。
Trevor: そうなん?
Gladys: うん。でも楽しいし、リラックスできるよ。それはそうと、準備はできた?
Trevor: おう。いつでもOKだよ。