Lesson 311
Tina is telling Chris about a concert she went to.
Tina is telling Chris about a concert she went to.
C: How was the concert, Tina? Was the band as good live as they
are on record?
T: They were totally amazing, Chris! I’ve never seen anything
like it! They totally blew me away. Their harmonies were
amazing, and their playing was unbelievable! I wish you
could have seen them too.
C: Yeah, the tickets sold out so quickly that I didn’t have a
chance to get one. How were your seats?
T: They weren’t too bad. The venue was pretty big, and we were
off to one side but we had a good view of the stage. I just
wish we could have been a bit closer.
C: Did they sing all their hits?
T: Yeah, they sang just about every song I wanted to hear, and
a lot of the members’ solo stuff as well, which was a real
bonus. And they were on stage for three whole hours!
C: Sounds like you got your money’s worth then.
T: It was worth every penny!
They totally blew me away
"blow away"は「吹き飛ばす」。これが受け身の形になって「感動する」という意味で使われます。日本語で、すごく驚いたり、感動したときに「ぶっとんだ」って言うのと似ていますよね。この意味の他に
ex: Her cooking blew me away!
I just wish we could have been a bit closer.
"I wish〜 "で「〜ならばなあ」という現在現実になっていない事を求める希望を表現します。名詞節(we could have been a bit closer)には過去形がきます。
Sounds like you got your money's worth then.
"get one's money's worth"で、「値段に見合うだけの価値を得る、元を取るという意味。直後の"worth every penny"も似たような表現です。
ex: What I really want to know is whether or not I will get my money's worth from Social Security.
It was worth every penny!
pennyはアメリカ・カナダの1セント銅貨のことで、"worth every penny"で、「それだけの価値がある」という意味。
Words & Phrases
C: コンサートはどうだった、ティナ? レコードと同じくらいいいライブ
T: なにからなにまでお見事だったよ、クリス! こんなのいままで観たこ
C: うん、すごいはやくチケットが売り切れちゃったから、購入するチャン
T: なかなかよかったわよ。すごく広い会場で、壁に面してたけど、ステー
C: ヒット曲はぜんぶ歌ったの?
T: うん、聴きたかった曲はぜんぶやって、各メンバーのソロもたくさんあっ
C: おカネ払って観た価値があったみたいだね。
T: それだけの価値はあったよ!