Lesson 345
George entrusts his girlfriend Jessica's best friend Chelsea with a secret.
George entrusts his girlfriend Jessica's best friend Chelsea with a secret.
G: Chelsea, can I talk to you for a minute?
C: Sure George, what’s up?
G: Well, it’s about Jess…
C: What? You’re not going to break up with her are you?
G: No, no. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. I’m going to
propose to her.
C: Oh my God! That’s the best news I’ve heard all year! So, when
are you going to pop the question?
G: Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I need you to
give me a hand with this. I was thinking of doing it at the end
of the month, on her birthday. I’m taking her to the Grand
Chalet for dinner.
C: That sounds perfect. So where do I come in?
G: Well, I want to pick up a ring but I have no idea what her ring
size is. You’re her roommate ? do you think you’d be able to
find out without giving the game away?
C: Sure, no problem.
G: Thanks Chelsea. And remember, don’t breathe a word of this to
C: You can count on me, George, my lips are sealed.
When are you going to pop the question?
“pop the question" は、(男が女に)結婚を申し込む、プロポーズするという意味。
ex: She hopes her boyfriend is going to pop the question soon.
Do you think you'd be able to find out without giving the game away?
“give the game away" で(秘密にしていた)計画をばらす、自分の意図を漏らすという意味。ここでは、with outが前についているので、直訳すると「秘密をばらすこと抜きで」となる。
ex: When he walked into the room, the smile on his face gave the game away.
You can count on me.
“You can count on me." は「当てにしていいよ」という意味。場面によっては「助けてあげるよ」と訳すこともできる。
ex: You can count on me when you get sick or something.
My lips are sealed.
ex: Don't worry! Our lips are sealed.
G: チェルシー、ちょっと話せる?
C: いいわよ、ジョージ。どうしたの?
G: 実は、ジェシカのことなんだけど・・・。
C: なに?別れるっていうんじゃないでしょうね?
G: ち、ちがうよ。実は、対照的なことなんだ。彼女にプロポーズしようか
C: オーマイゴット!それは、この一年、私が聞いた中で一番良いニュース
G: うーん、そのことを君と話したかったんだよ。これには君の助けが必要
C: 完璧じゃない。それで、私の出番は?
G: あー、指輪を買いたいんだけど、彼女のサイズが全然分からなくてさ。
C: もちろん、問題ないわ。
G: ありがとう、チェルシー。それと、絶対に、誰にも一言ももらしちゃダメだよ。
C: 任せて、ジョージ。口にチャックしたわ。