Lesson 344
Phil receives a call from his sister Irene, who has gone to pick up their Aunt Melanie at the airport.
Phil receives a call from his sister Irene, who has gone to pick up their Aunt Melanie at the airport.
P: Hello?
I: Phil, it’s me.
P: Irene! Has Aunt Mel arrived already?
I: No. I’ ve got some bad news. They just announced that her
plane’s arriving five hours late.
P: Five hours?! But the whole family is here getting ready for her
surprise party! What’s her new arrival time?
I: Nine thirty. So by the time she gets through customs and we drive
home, it’s going to be almost midnight.
P: What a disaster! There’s no way the kids will be able to stay up
that long, and I’m sure Aunt Mel will be exhausted. What are we
going to do?
I: Well, we’ve spent so long planning it and getting everything
ready, it’d be a shame to cancel it all now. Besides, Sam and
Maisie’s families have driven all the way up for it. There’s
nothing for it. You’re just going to have to kill time until we
get there, and surprise her anyway. It’ll just have to be a short
P: OK. Well, I guess I’d better go and tell everybody to find
themselves something to keep them occupied for the next eight
So by the time she gets through customs and we drive home, it's going to be almost midnight.
“by the time" は「〜するまでに」という意味。使い方は文頭に持ってきても文中に持ってきてもよい。
ex: I have to find a job by the time I get out of school.
You're just going to have to kill time until we get there.
“kill time" で「時間をつぶす」の意味。“work just to kill time"で「腰掛け仕事」という表現もある。
ex: I killed time over a cup of tea.
I guess I'd better go and tell everybody to find themselves something to keep them occupied for the next eight hours.
“keep occupied" で「相手をする」の意味。ここでは、“find themselves something to keep them occupied"を直訳すると、「彼らの相手をする何かを探す」という風になり、つまり、時間をつぶすという意味になる。
ex:“Can you keep the kids occupied while I go shopping?"
P: もしもし?
I: フィル、私よ。
P: アイリーン!メルおばさんはもう着いたの?
I: いや。悪い知らせがいくつかあるの。たった今、彼女の飛行機が5時間遅
P: 5時間?彼女のサプライズパーティーの為に、家族全員集まって準備でき
I: 21:30。税関を通って、家に着く頃には、ほぼ24時になっちゃう
P: なんてこった!そんなに遅くまで子供たちを起こしておけないよ。それに
I: そうだなぁ、計画するのに、すごい時間を費やして、全て準備して、今
P: わかった。そうだ、みんなのところに行って8時間後まで、何か時間を