Lesson 354
Denise and her boyfriend Ryan are out to dinner at a restaurant. Denise brings up something that she read that day in the paper about some recent cases of Avian flu in Vietnam.
Denise and her boyfriend Ryan are out to dinner at a restaurant. Denise brings up something that she read that day in the paper about some recent cases of Avian flu in Vietnam.
D: You know I read something interesting today in the newspaper about
the Avian flu.
R: Is that that bird flu down in South-East Asia?
D: That’s right.
R: So what’d they say?
D: Well, apparently there were ten new cases of it at a hospital in
Vietnam, and doctors are now worried that the virus might be able
to be transmitted from human to human.
R: Oh yeah? Is that bad?
D: Of course it’s bad. When it was just a bird to human virus there
was no risk of the disease spreading to doctors and other patients.
But now they’re worried that the virus has mutated. They say that
it could be the start of a future pandemic.
R: I don’t know. The news has a habit of scaring people, Denise. Look
at what they did with SARS…I’m not saying that this Avian flu is
nothing to worry about. I just think it’s a little early to start
calling it a pandemic…But just to be safe I don’t think you
should order the chicken.
Avian Flu
「鳥インフ ルエンザ」
“Avian"は形容詞で、「鳥類」の意味になる。"Flu" が付いて「鳥インフルエンザ」の意味。名詞の"aviation"は「飛行術・航空学」になる。
So what'd they say?
“what'd" は、"what did" の短縮形で、「彼らは何て言ってた?」の意味になる。
ex. “What'd you do?"
The news has a habit of scaring people, Denise.
“habit"は 「習慣、くせ、性質」などで、ここでは、「傾向」になる。
Habit of の後を名詞化すれば、次のように、いろいろな表現ができる。
“habit of smoking" 「喫煙癖」、“habit of worrying"「心配癖」“habit of getting up early" 「早起きの習慣」などがある。
ex. He has a habit of biting his nails when he is nervous.
But just to be safe I don't think you should order the chicken.
“just to be safe" で、「念のため」という意味のイディオム。
その他、just to be sure「(確かめるためという意味で)念のために」、just to be polite 「礼儀として」などもあわせて覚えておくと便利でしょう。
ex. Just to be safe, I think we should leave early to beat the traffic.
D: ねぇ、聞いて、今日鳥インフルエンザについて興味深い記事を読んだの。
R: 東南アジアの鳥インフルエンザのこと?
D: そう、それよ。
R: それで、彼らは何て言ってたの?
D: ええっと、ベトナムの病院で新しく10人の感染が明らかになったみたい
R: へぇ、そうなの?そんなにひどいわけ?
D: もちろん、ひどいわよ。ウィルスが鳥から人に感染するだけなら、医者や
R: どうかなぁ。ニュースは人を怖がらせる傾向があるからねぇ、デニース。