Lesson 361
Alex is talking to his friend's girlfriend Trish at a party. He has something to ask her about his passport photo.
Alex is talking to his friend's girlfriend Trish at a party. He has something to ask her about his passport photo.
A: Say, Trish, you’re a lawyer, right?
T: Yeah.
A: Well, maybe you could answer a question for me.
T: Okay, shoot.
A: The other day I went to get my passport renewed. I got the
application, filled it out, and all that jazz, and I got the photos
like they asked.
T: Uh-huh.
A: Well, when I went to get my photos done they had to keep retaking
them because I was smiling in the picture. Finally the guy in the
photo shop said that the passport office won’t accept the pictures
if you smile…So, my question is why? You know, legally speaking?
T: I’ve wondered that myself.
A: So you don’t know.
T: Well, it’s not my specialty, Alex. I’m a tax attorney. But if I
had to guess, I would say that a smile might obscure the features
of your face, which can make it difficult for someone to make a
positive ID from the photograph. I guess in this post 9-11 world
the government is just trying to be extra cautious.
A: I suppose that makes sense.
Okay, shoot!
ex. He shot a glance at the beautiful woman standing at the other end of the bar.
I got the application, filled it out, and all that jazz,
“fill out" ここでは、「(書類に手を加えて)完成させる」という意味。「記入する」という意味で、“fill in" も同じように使える。その他、fill を使ったイディオムとして、“fill a need (want)" 「不足を補う」、“fill in time" 「暇な時間を埋める」、“fill up"「満水になる、満タンにする、満員になる」また、“all that jazz" は、「などなど、あれこれ、何もかも」というイディオム。
ex. Can you fill out the form and hand it to the person at the front desk?
post 9-11
Post- は「後の、次の」、Pre- は「以前の、あらかじめ」という意味になる。911 は、テロ事件が起きた日ですが、アメリカの救急番号でもある。
ex. We're all suffering from post-holiday stress.
I suppose that makes sense.
“make sense" は、ここでは「道理にかなう、意味がわかる」という表現になる。その他、「賢明である」という意味もあり、"It makes sense to 〜"で 「〜した方がいい、賢明だ」になる。
ex. What she is saying makes sense.
A: そういえば、トリッシュ、きみ弁護士だよね?
T: そうだけど。
A: じゃあ、もしかして僕の質問に答えてくれるかも。
T: いいわ、どうぞ。
A: この前、パスポートを更新したんだ。申請書をもらって、書き込みなど、
T: うん、うん。
A: それで、写真を撮りに行った時のことなんだけど、笑顔で写ってたから
T: どうなんでしょう。
A: やっぱり、わからないんだ。
T: ええっと、それは私の分野じゃないのよ、アレックス。私は税理士だか
A: なるほどね。