つかえる英会話Daily / Travel

Lesson 365 中級

Fork out

Elizabeth and Gareth are talking about their growing kids.



Elizabeth and Gareth are talking about their growing kids.

E: Gareth, I think we’re going to have to buy Sam a new school
uniform this summer. He’s grown out of his old one.

G: What, already? Didn’t we buy him one last year too?

E: Yes, but he’s shot up in the last six months, so his shorts are
too tight and his shirt is so short he’s almost showing his belly

G: What are you doing, soaking his feet in fertiliser or something?

E: Actually, now that you mention feet, he’s going to need a new
pair of shoes too. He says the pair he has now are too small.

G: And how much is this going to put us back?

E: Well, we’ll have to get him two of everything, and if you add a
new pair of shoes, too, I guess that’ll come to around $200.

G: $200?! Well make sure you buy the stuff a size bigger than he
needs. The way he’s growing he’ll need the extra room. The
last thing I want to do is to have to fork out for another uniform
again next year!



He's grown out of his old one.

“grow out of 〜" は、「大きくなって服が着られなくなる」という意味のイディオム。「成長して〜しなくなる、〜から起こる(生じる)」という表現もある。
Ex. Timmy quickly grew out of his new jeans.

Yes, but he's shot up in the last six months

「(人や植物が)急に成長する」というイディオムは、“shot up"で表現する。その他、「物価や温度が急上昇する」ことにも使う。
Ex. Johnny has shot up since I last saw him.

And how much is this going to put us back?

“put back" で、よく使用される表現は、「もとへ戻す、後方へ向ける」ですが、ここでは、「費やさせる、かかる」という意味になる。その他にも「遅らせる、回復する、大酒を飲む」など、さまざまな意味がある。
Ex. This wedding is going to put us back $5000.

The last thing I want to do is to have to fork out for another uniform again next year!

“fork out" で、「大金などをしぶしぶ手渡す、支払う」というイディオム。Out の代わりに、over、up どちらでも大丈夫。
Ex. I had to fork out $50 for her farewell present.



E: ギャレス、今年の夏はサムに新しい学校の制服を買わなくちゃいけないと

G: うそだろ、もう? 去年も買わなかったっけ?

E: うん、でもこの半年で急に成長したから、半ズボンはきつすぎるし、シャ

G: あの子に何したんだよ、足を肥料か何かに入れた?

E: 実はね、足と言えば、新しい靴も必要なのよ。 今履いている靴は小さす

G: で、どれくらいになるわけ?

E: うーん、全部2つずつ買おうと思ってるし、もし、新しい靴を付け足した

G: 200ドル?! あの子の今必要なサイズよりも大きいものを買うんだぞ。